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detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Guest Sun 21 Oct 2012, 23:17

I have read the PLEASE READ, please do not direct me to that page.

I am attempting to install basegame and all expansions. thus far I have downloaded and installed Basegame. i did not apply the crack or open it or download the download manager, i just ran the disks so i think thats right so far.

I have the torrents for world adventures, late night, and ambitions finished. the other expansions are queued. Is there a corect order to install them in? i unzipped world adventures but the install guide says things about the cracks and the "please read"page says no cracks so i dont know how to install these games. I'm sorry that I'm not getting this, but i really have no idea which instructions to follow as it seems the 'read me' included in the torrent contradicts with the 'please read' page but the please read page gives no install instructions whatsoever it just says 'install and then apply the fix'

detailed instructions from this point would be very much appreciated. thank you and im sorry.


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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Guest Mon 22 Oct 2012, 04:23


You need to follow the "Please read" . Do not apply any cracks from the downloaded files. The only cracks you will you need in the Ultimate Fix.. If you need more help you can find me in the chatbox.


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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Guest Mon 22 Oct 2012, 04:57

Lets try again. if i dont apply the cracks what DO i do with the downloaded files? i read the please read. it says to install without the cracks. what does that mean, please?


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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by t2sink Mon 22 Oct 2012, 05:08

When I did my several installations of The Sims 3, I installed the base game, then added each expansion, opening the #Installation Guide long enough to grab a Keycode, once a expansion finished, I moved to the next one, once I finished all the expansions I download, I downloaded the latest Ultimate Fix, and applied that.

Cracks mean just edited files, normally ones that remove the check for CD's/DVD's.
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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Guest Mon 22 Oct 2012, 05:13

t2sink is right. Just get the keycode and move on to the next and repeat till you all done and ready for the fix


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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Guest Mon 22 Oct 2012, 05:39

I don't know how to express my problem. how do i install the game? running the EXE just gives me an error where it asks me to update and then says it cant update.


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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Guest Mon 22 Oct 2012, 05:50

have you tried to update before running the exe?


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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by t2sink Mon 22 Oct 2012, 05:53

You manage to install the Base Game then right? But after that you try to install a expansion, and when you click on the expansions file's .exe you get the error?

I say try to Manually Patch it up to 1.39, and see if that fixes your issues of not being able to install the expansions.

rajalves beat me to it.
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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

Post by Admin Mon 22 Oct 2012, 14:03

Hello there,

Indeed, with skipping the "# Crack" folders, we mean skipping the parts of the instructions that require you to use any of the "# Crack" folders. Just install the games without doing anything else.

As for the update error, please do the "Must read" instructions in this order: 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Good luck and please let us know the result!
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detailed install instructions needed--sorry! Empty Re: detailed install instructions needed--sorry!

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