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When I need to get a house in Sims 3

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When I need to get a house in Sims 3 Empty When I need to get a house in Sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 14 Nov 2012, 08:15

On any map/city/town I can't get the flat lands AKA land with nothing built on it. I cannot click on them - I see and know where they are but I can't buy them... I can only get houses already built

I have Fast Lane Stuff, Late Night, High End Loft Stuff and Ambitions (+Basegame)

My game works just I want to have the 40x40 land in a town but it ain't for sale!!! Help

Sad Help :newfag: Foreveralone


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When I need to get a house in Sims 3 Empty Re: When I need to get a house in Sims 3

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 14 Nov 2012, 13:11


You can't move a family in to an empty lot from the bin, at least not when starting out. You can move them to a lot by using the "move" function on the phone or computer, or move them into an empty lot if you use "edit town" if you want to move them in from the bin.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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When I need to get a house in Sims 3 Empty Re: When I need to get a house in Sims 3

Post by invalidusername Wed 14 Nov 2012, 15:20

I know you can get empty lots, because that's what I always start out on. They do, however have to be a certain type of lot. If they aren't, then they aren't buyable. I'm not entirely sure on which type they need to be though.
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When I need to get a house in Sims 3 Empty Re: When I need to get a house in Sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 14 Nov 2012, 17:30

invalidusername wrote:I know you can get empty lots, because that's what I always start out on. They do, however have to be a certain type of lot. If they aren't, then they aren't buyable. I'm not entirely sure on which type they need to be though.

I had the game before. I know which lots were buyable.

Anyhow, thanks Lady ElDi, I'll try that Very Happy


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When I need to get a house in Sims 3 Empty Re: When I need to get a house in Sims 3

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