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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Admin Sun 27 Feb 2011, 20:20

Please read everything on this page very carefully, before posting that it doesn't work. Try EVERYTHING first! (So everything from point 1 to 7!)

Hello there,

Does your The Sims 3 (expansion) game keep crashing every time you start up, or just randomly in-game? One of the following 7 possible fixes should work!

1. Removing Mods and Custom Content:

Always try to run the game as an Administrator first, by right-clicking on the game's .exe file and choosing "Run this program as an Admin".

If it didn't work, remove ALL (Read: each and every one of) your Mods and Custom Content, if you have any. Start and test the game. It should make a difference. In the worst case you could always try this recommended way:

1. Go to: (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\  
2. Back up (!) the folder called "The Sims 3". (Just copy it to a safe location)
3. Now completely remove the "The Sims 3" folder from: (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\  
4. Start the game and see if it works now. If not, please continue with the other possible solutions from this page.

Note: the "The Sims 3" folder you removed, will automatically be recreated when you start the game again for the first time. If you want to put your savegames back AFTER testing the game, just put back the "Saves" folder from the backed up "The Sims 3" folder.

2. BE SURE TO ADD ALL OF THE GAME'S .EXE FILES TO THE DEP! (Scroll down for *NEW* instructions video!)

Setting the instructions for DEP in Windows Vista:

1. Open the Control Panel. (Classic View)
2. Click on Advanced system settings.(in upper left green area)
3. Click on the Continue button in the UAC prompt.
4. Click on the Settings button under Performance section.
5. Click on the Data Execution Prevention tab.
6. Click on "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" and press "Add." You will now add your Sims game, expansions and Stuff Packs to the DEP exception list. Copy-and-paste these "C:" locations in the spot where it says "File Name."

Sims 3 base game:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!] (You can also include the .exe files from the "Packs" folder, in \\Game\Bin)

World Adventures:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

High-End Loft Stuff:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Ambitions\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Fast Lane Stuff:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Late Night:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Late Night\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Outdoor Living Stuff:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Generations & Town Life Stuff & Pets:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

7. Click OK. You'll have to restart the computer for this to take effect. It should stop the crashing.

Setting the instructions for DEP in Windows 7 & 8:

1. Go to Control Panel/System/Advanced/Performance Settings.
2. Go to the Data Execution Prevention tab. Click on "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" and press "Add." You will now add your Sims game, expansions and Stuff Packs to the DEP exception list. Copy-and-paste these "C:" locations in the spot where it says "File Name."

Sims 3 base game:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!] (You can also include the .exe files from the "Packs" folder, in \\Game\Bin)

World Adventures:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

High-End Loft Stuff:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Ambitions\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Fast Lane Stuff:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Late Night:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Late Night\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Outdoor Living Stuff:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

Generations & Town Life Stuff & Pets:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!]

3. Click OK. You'll have to restart the computer for this to take effect. It should stop the crashing.

Watch the instructions video below and do EXACTLY as shown in the video:

Also note this:

barissaree wrote:So, after researching my problem more I'm embarrassed to say that it was a DEP problem.  ALTHOUGH, to make myself seem not so stupid the .exe files mentioned here https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t857-the-sims-3-crashes-freezes-to-desktop-fix-update-8-06-2011 didn't work alone.  I went on a rampage and added all the .exe files from the Sims 3/Game/Bin folder plus the ones mentioned in the fix and it worked.  Thank you for all your time and help!

3. Assigning more RAM memory to the game:

It's a fact that 32-bit systems can not use more than 4GB of RAM, even if you have more installed, your PC will only use a maximum of (theoretical) 4GB RAM. It works the same way for 32-bit applications. Unfortunately, The Sims 3 is a 32-bit game and will only use up to 2-3GB of RAM. In order to increase this amount and the game's performance, please download this little tool: ntcore.com/?page_id=371 

and read the instructions to apply it.

After doing so, your game should run a lot smoother!

4. Problems with some NVIDA, ATI etc. graphic cards:

shimonaH wrote:Everyone, who gets this error: Just open your NVIDIA or other video card control panel, find The tab 3D settings, Click manage 3D settings, scroll down and you'll find that tab called "Vertical Sync" Once u find it, select Force off and restart your computer! Worked for me! Playing with no crashing to the desktop!

5. IF the above doesn't fix your problem, try this (possible) fix from EA's official support pages:

A random crash or lockup, or a crash or lockup at the loading screen, is typically caused by something conflicting with the continued running of the game.  This conflict can be another program running in the background, or the drivers for your video or sound card.

  1. First, end unnecessary background processes to avoid conflicts and free up resources for the game.
  2. Click here for steps on ending background processes
  3. If that doesn't resolve the issue, try using the Sims shortcut switches to troubleshoot the issue.
  4. Click here for steps on using The Sims switches
  5. If nothing else resolves the issue, perform a full uninstall and reinstall of the game.  This will remove and replace all corrupt game files.  Data corruption can be caused by improper saving, crashing, downloads, etc.
  6. Click here for steps on manually uninstalling The Sims

You should no longer experience this error once these steps are complete.

This should allow you to prevent random crashing and freezing from occurring in your game.

6. IF the above doesn't fix your problem, try this (possible) fix from EA's official support pages:

First, make sure you meet the Minimum System Requirements for The Sims 3. Click here to use a System Requirements Checker.
you fall slightly short of meeting Minimum System Requirements, or
barely pass the test, we recommend trying the following troubleshooting
Note: If you are running The Sims 3 on a laptop, keep in mind that The Sims 3 is known to experience some compatibility issues with certain Mobile Chipsets.
Set your graphics options to 'Low'

  • Click on the '...' blue Options button on the lower left-hand side of the screen
  • Click on the 'Options' menu options
  • By default, the Graphics tab should be the first tab open
  • Set all your grapics options to 'Low' under the 'Graphics Details' section
  • Click on the Blue check mark button on the lower right-hand corner to commit your changes
  • Relaunch The Sims 3

Run The Sims 3 in Windowed Mode

  • Click on the '...' blue Options button on the lower left-hand side of the screen
  • Click on the 'Options' menu options
  • By default, the Graphics tab should be the first tab open
  • Click on the 'Run in Windowed Mode' check box to select the Windowed Mode option
  • Click on the Blue check mark button on the lower right-hand corner to save your changes
  • Restart The Sims 3

Lower your game's resolution

  • Click on the '...' blue Options button on the lower left-hand side of the screen
  • Click on the 'Options' menu options
  • By default, the Graphics tab should be the first tab open
  • At the top of the Graphics tab screen, select the lowest screen resolution available

Lower your monitor's resolution

  • With your mouse, Click anywhere on your Desktop screen
  • Select the 'Properties' menu item from the list of options
  • Click on the 'Settings' tab
  • Drag your 'Screen resolution' slider to the left and adjust its settings to match the resolution you chose to run The Sims 3

    7. If you have a 32-bit version of windows, follow these steps to allow your pc to activate "app can handle more than 2GB of memory" option.

    SY_89 wrote:
    32-bit Operating Systems
    If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, an additional step is required in order for The Sims 3 to use more than 2 GiB of (virtual) memory. If your computer has at least 3 GiB of RAM installed, follow the instructions on the Insufficient Memory Crashes article. That article also contains information on how to determine how much RAM is installed.

    Insufficient Memory Crashes article

    Windows XP, Server 2003
    Open System Properties.
    Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
    Select the Advanced tab.
    In the Startup and Recovery area, click Settings to open the Startup and Recovery dialog.
    In the System Startup area, click Edit to open the Windows boot.ini in Notepad.
    Make sure to disable Word Wrap from the Format menu (you do not want a check to appear next to it).
    Find the [Operating Systems] section. Each line below this header represents an operating system installed on your computer.
    At the end of each line under [Operating Systems] add the following after /fastdetect (or whatever is at the end of the line):
    If you have 3072 MB of RAM installed: /3GB /userva=2560
    If you have 4096 MB of RAM installed: /3GB
    Save the changes and close Notepad.
    Close all open dialogs and restart your computer.
    In case of trouble
    Repeat the above steps but instead of adding /3GB and /userva, remove them.

    Windows Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008
    Open the Command Prompt with administrative rights.
    Open Start.
    Open Programs.
    Open Acessories.
    Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
    Type the following and hit enter:
    If you have 3072 MB of RAM installed: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560
    If you have 4096 MB of RAM installed: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072
    Close the command prompt and restart your computer.
    In case of trouble
    Repeat the above steps but use the following command instead: bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVA

Last edited by Admin on Fri 30 Jan 2015, 19:50; edited 42 times in total
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Sun 06 Mar 2011, 01:24

Thank you LadyYepperz! I've installed and reinstalled so many times trying to fix this, and it was a simple windows setting restricting me. Although like others have said, it will not allow me to add Sims3Launcher.exe to the DEP exclusion list .. which means the launcher crashes after loading the game, but that really doesn't matter because the game works. I'm now running all expansions and packs at the newest version.


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Sun 25 Mar 2012, 15:07

This is awesome, Thanks so much!
The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) 294340757


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Wed 26 Sep 2012, 02:36

No Question about this post this one is so good


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Admin Sat 29 Sep 2012, 22:40

G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Thu 15 Nov 2012, 05:39

Be advised that points 3 and 7 no longer apply. That was fixed with Generations.


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Sat 09 Mar 2013, 13:34

Thank you so much!!! You are the best! Very Happy


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Sat 13 Jul 2013, 23:06

I added only one exe from 
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\Packs\TS3EP05
and horses are no longer crashing the game. You could add it here too.


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Admin Sun 14 Jul 2013, 20:38

anadius1 wrote:I added only one exe from 
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\Packs\TS3EP05
and horses are no longer crashing the game. You could add it here too.
Hi there,

Thank you, I've added it!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Admin Tue 07 Jan 2014, 20:31

Step 1 has been updated!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder
G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

Post by Guest Sat 17 May 2014, 13:43

If upgrading to 64 bit is possible, people may want to try that. 

I was running a 32 bit system but couldnt play more than an hour without it crashing and having save error code 12. done a clean install of windows 7 64 bit (after reading it was likely a memory issue and with 32 bit only utilising 4gb RAM regardless of RAM installed) and played for hours without any errors or crashes *touch wood*.


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty R.I.P CC & Mods

Post by Guest Wed 26 Apr 2017, 04:30

But... I need my CC and mods! I just... remove them FOREVER?
*depressing music*


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The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015) Empty Re: The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 30-01-2015)

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