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Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven)

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Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven) Empty Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven)

Post by Guest Fri 25 Jan 2013, 18:02

I was asking myself if you could offer the woodfire oven from monte vista as an seperate download because I dont want to download and install whole MV thing...



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Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven) Empty Re: Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven)

Post by invalidusername Mon 28 Jan 2013, 16:01

Please don't bump or double post, as it's considered spamming.

I don't think that you could, because of how it's all tied in together, actually. That would require Admin to go into the file itself, find the bit for the oven, and create an entirely new file for just the oven (at least, that's how I understand it would have to be done). That could potentially cause a lot of issues, so it's probably just easier to download monte vista.
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Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven) Empty Re: Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven)

Post by Admin Mon 28 Jan 2013, 22:32


I think it is, indeed, easier for you to just download the world. It's not that big anyway.
And this...
invalidusername wrote:That would require Admin to go into the file itself, find the bit for the oven, and create an entirely new file for just the oven (at least, that's how I understand it would have to be done).
... is more of Lady ElDi's cup of tea, lol. Sims 3 - MV (only woodfire oven) 2279017149
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