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World Adventures plays as Town Stuff

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World Adventures plays as Town Stuff Empty World Adventures plays as Town Stuff

Post by Guest Sun 03 Feb 2013, 20:23

First off, thanks a ton for all these downloads. I used to own the Sims 3 discs and lost all of them while moving, so this helps!
Another thing, I understand this may seem common, but I've done 5 days worth of 12 hour research on your boards and stuff and I just cannot find what I'm looking for!

I downloaded the sims 3 base game just as you said in the 'how to install the sims 3 correctly', so I also downloaded town stuff, because in the guide you mentioned needing one of those packs/expansions. I also did the ultimate fix, AND the latest patch download. I did all of these steps to the T, many many many times, to where I've even uninstalled, and reinstalled the same exact way over and over again.

Now the issue I'm having is, I have Sims 3 + town stuff, and they work perfectly...but then I downloaded world adventures, and it installed perfectly fine too, the only problem is, when I go to the WA launcher and press play, it starts, but it plays as town stuff, not WA...what am I doing wrong here?

Again, sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you so much for your time, effort, and help.


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World Adventures plays as Town Stuff Empty Re: World Adventures plays as Town Stuff

Post by Guest Mon 04 Feb 2013, 02:41


Town Life Stuff is showing in loading screen because it is the late release than the WA.

But it is playable right?


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World Adventures plays as Town Stuff Empty Re: World Adventures plays as Town Stuff

Post by Admin Mon 04 Feb 2013, 22:44


More information can be found here: http://games4theworld.org/sims3faq.html#always_get_in_same_game
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