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help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin

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help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin Empty help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin

Post by Guest Fri 29 Mar 2013, 18:43

I am a newb. I dont get these 'basic' instructions.
I want to download several expansions, all if i could.
but i want to test the download of Pets that i downloaded first, I saw that you dont need to uninstall if you want more expansion packs in the future. But I dont even understand what I'm downloading, or how to do it.

I opened the torrent file with 7Zip and i see the /Game and /Bin and #crack folder where the cracks would need to be copied to and from. But what do i click on, and where do i put it?

Do i extract all of these files to my computer, and if so, where? into a new folder?

Sad help thanks.



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help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin Empty Re: help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin

Post by Guest Thu 02 May 2013, 15:45

Ok, you need to download Daemon Tools (google it and take the Lite version which is free).
  1. Then open it, click Add an image, then select the .iso file you have in the unzipped folder.
  2. Then click Mount (you might need to select the image before).
  3. Then a virtual drive will appear in My Computer. Double click on it and the install will launch.

Hope this helped!


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help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin Empty Re: help me get my sims 3 pets torrent to work with Origin

Post by invalidusername Fri 03 May 2013, 16:34

You can extract the .rar anywhere on your computer you'd like. I prefer a folder on my desktop so it's easy to find.

Then you click the autorun.exe to start the installation. Once it's installed, download the manual patch and fix from here. Apply the patch, then the crack from the fix. However, since you have Origin, the crack will go into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin" instead.
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