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Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED]

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Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] Empty Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 24 May 2013, 18:34

So I installed the Sims 3 and Pets according to the info on the site and followed the Ultimate Fix instructions to the letter, including the manual patch step (both of which are definitely the Mac versions from this site, downloaded yesterday.)

I have retail copies of the Base Game and Pets, on DVD that I am installing from. I've applied all steps of the Ultimate Fix.

However, when I run The Sims, exactly the same problem occurs as before I did any of this: it loads up to the point where you get to pick your neighborhood but before you can: Disc Authorization Failure.

Shocked Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] 2279017149

I have been to the extreme lengths of installing Windows via Virtual Box, installing TS3, and I still get the same error, so it doesn't seem to be because I'm running on a Mac.

I don't know what else I can try! Any ideas appreciated. I've already been through all the instructions with a fine tooth comb and made sure I've done them right: just about to go re-do it all just in case I missed something, but I don't think I did... please Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] 2830496658


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Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Fri 24 May 2013, 19:32


Just for quick thinking, maybe that DVD of yours are corrupted somehow? I didn't think anything else, as you have same error in Windows?
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

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Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 24 May 2013, 22:06

Thanks Phoebe, but I don't think that was it!

It is now working. On a Mac, it would appear that things need doing in a slightly different order. What I did differently is essentially to update the base game using the manual patch; THEN install my expansions; THEN Ultimate Fix, rather than expansions before manual patch. That has made all the difference.

Before you begin: you will need Google Chrome, Stuffit Expander and a good internet connection. (I'm a Firefox user myself, but found that there were issues. Google Chrome worked much better for such a large download).

More detailed Mac instructions: this is the only thing that has worked for me and I feel I have tried everything in the last few months!

1. Install The Sims 3 Base Game, run to check that it works.

2. Restart your Mac.

3. Download the manual patch FOR MAC, using Google Chrome, which can be found here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t3597-can-t-update-the-sims-3-to-v150-fix-manual-patch

4. Unzip using StuffitExpander and apply to the base game.

5. Run the launcher to check that the game has updated correctly. Make sure that 'automatic updates' are disabled in the updates tab.

6. Restart your Mac.

7. Install expansion packs/stuff packs as required (I installed Pets, which is the disk that had been causing the Disc Authorization Failure, not the base game. Both in my case are retail DVD copies).

RESTART YOUR MAC (I know it's a lot of restarts and I'm not a technical wizard so I don't 'know' that they are necessary but having done all this before without the re-starts, at least one of them must be. It doesn't take long on a Mac either XD)

9. Download (using Google Chrome) and install the Ultimate Fix AND MAKE SURE IT'S THE MAC VERSION https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t752-the-sims-3-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems

10. Unzip using Stuffit Expander and follow the instructions (apply the Fix to the base game; then to your expansion/stuff packs).

11. RESTART AGAIN (Nearly there!)

12. Apply the #Crack as per the instructions with the Ultimate Fix

13. RESTART (final time)

14. Run and enjoy!!!!

Last edited by lianna on Fri 24 May 2013, 22:10; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional info)


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Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Mon 27 May 2013, 21:13

lianna wrote:Thanks Phoebe, but I don't think that was it!

It is now working. On a Mac, it would appear that things need doing in a slightly different order. What I did differently is essentially to update the base game using the manual patch; THEN install my expansions; THEN Ultimate Fix, rather than expansions before manual patch. That has made all the difference.

Before you begin: you will need Google Chrome, Stuffit Expander and a good internet connection. (I'm a Firefox user myself, but found that there were issues. Google Chrome worked much better for such a large download).

More detailed Mac instructions: this is the only thing that has worked for me and I feel I have tried everything in the last few months!

1. Install The Sims 3 Base Game, run to check that it works.

2. Restart your Mac.

3. Download the manual patch FOR MAC, using Google Chrome, which can be found here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t3597-can-t-update-the-sims-3-to-v150-fix-manual-patch

4. Unzip using StuffitExpander and apply to the base game.

5. Run the launcher to check that the game has updated correctly. Make sure that 'automatic updates' are disabled in the updates tab.

6. Restart your Mac.

7. Install expansion packs/stuff packs as required (I installed Pets, which is the disk that had been causing the Disc Authorization Failure, not the base game. Both in my case are retail DVD copies).

RESTART YOUR MAC (I know it's a lot of restarts and I'm not a technical wizard so I don't 'know' that they are necessary but having done all this before without the re-starts, at least one of them must be. It doesn't take long on a Mac either XD)

9. Download (using Google Chrome) and install the Ultimate Fix AND MAKE SURE IT'S THE MAC VERSION https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t752-the-sims-3-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems

10. Unzip using Stuffit Expander and follow the instructions (apply the Fix to the base game; then to your expansion/stuff packs).

11. RESTART AGAIN (Nearly there!)

12. Apply the #Crack as per the instructions with the Ultimate Fix

13. RESTART (final time)

14. Run and enjoy!!!!


I am really happt to hear it. You know, it worked for me liek it worked for you. But when it comes to Macs, there are lots of possible solutions. We add the most possible solution to site, but when it doesn't work for someone, like me and you we tell the other way Smile

Happy simming! The Sims 3 plumbob

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G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Disc Authorization Failure WITH Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch. [SOLVED]

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