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It's not a problem just a question

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It's not a problem just a question Empty It's not a problem just a question

Post by Guest Mon 03 Jun 2013, 04:37

Is there a way to exchange the "key/ serial" codes from the ones you supplied in torrent to a bought copy without having to do a complete re-install? I ask the as I am slowly gathering each pack on a one or two a month basis, especially watching for Origin sales. I want to continue enjoying the full game that all you have wonderfully shared to all of us, but as I buy each EP, SP, or world I'd like to change over those codes without losing everything.

thanks in advance for your time and help with this.


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It's not a problem just a question Empty Re: It's not a problem just a question

Post by Guest Mon 03 Jun 2013, 07:59

I looked in the registry editor and this is what I found:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Sims\(expansion name)\ergc


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It's not a problem just a question Empty Re: It's not a problem just a question

Post by invalidusername Mon 03 Jun 2013, 08:18

Or you can uninstall the expansion from here, and install the one from origin. However, they are the exact same thing.
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It's not a problem just a question Empty Re: It's not a problem just a question

Post by Guest Mon 03 Jun 2013, 12:46

invalidusername wrote:Or you can uninstall the expansion from here, and install the one from origin. However, they are the exact same thing.

Or you can redeem it on Steam, it automatically swaps the registry info I think.


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It's not a problem just a question Empty Re: It's not a problem just a question

Post by Guest Mon 03 Jun 2013, 17:27

Thanks bunches, For the help.


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