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game feels very jerky

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game feels very jerky  Empty game feels very jerky

Post by Guest Sat 29 Jun 2013, 14:56

so the game doesnt actually completely lock up but its feels very laggy. i went from the game settings maxed out to the game settings as low as they can go and i was getting the same preformance. so i know its not my computer. time will flow but my sim will completely stop moving for a short period of time idk how to explain it better


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game feels very jerky  Empty Re: game feels very jerky

Post by Guest Sat 29 Jun 2013, 20:24

This is usually caused from stuck sims or massive amounts of vehicles being spawned, but without lots more info could be anything or even a out of date mod if you use mods, if you dont run mods then most likely the stuck or unroutable sims i suggest using nraas overwatch and this mod will help. was going to post the link to the mod but cant sorry, just google it


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