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questions about crack in generations and outdoor living

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questions about crack in generations and outdoor living Empty questions about crack in generations and outdoor living

Post by Guest Thu 09 Jun 2011, 18:33

so i have the base game and all EP...only outdoor and generations are torrents. how come when i apply the crack for the outdoor living i copy it to program files in the "outdoor living" file, but in generations i apply it to my base game "sims3" file? wouldn't i have to apply it to the "generations" file?? am i making sense to anyone? my game was working fine until i did generations, and then it started saying "you are running an unverified version....blah blah blah, please quit to prevent bugs and crashes"...so what am i doing wrong? thanks for the help! Smile


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questions about crack in generations and outdoor living Empty Re: questions about crack in generations and outdoor living

Post by Admin Thu 09 Jun 2011, 19:28

dhumbee wrote:so i have the base game and all EP...only outdoor and generations are torrents. how come when i apply the crack for the outdoor living i copy it to program files in the "outdoor living" file, but in generations i apply it to my base game "sims3" file? wouldn't i have to apply it to the "generations" file?? am i making sense to anyone? my game was working fine until i did generations, and then it started saying "you are running an unverified version....blah blah blah, please quit to prevent bugs and crashes"...so what am i doing wrong? thanks for the help! Smile

First of all, getting that error is normal. It's probably caused because of the crack, though it's no harm.
The (.exe) files for Generations (when installing) are automatically installed in the base game's game directory. Don't ask me why, I don't know. (EA's decision)
Anyway, you're understand right, there's no need to put any cracks in the Generations game directory.

Please let me know if you have any more problems, questions or comments!
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