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In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise

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In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise Empty In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise

Post by Guest Mon 29 Jul 2013, 11:52

Hey there! If anyone can help me with the following problem, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Whenever I'm in live mode in Island Paradise, I can't see my sims needs, wishes, and I can't select to play a different sim in the family :S
Also, in CAS, the game crashed within like 3 minutes of browsing through my custom sims. That's all I noticed until I quit the game since there was no point in playing when the game isn't working properly.

What happened:

So basically I downloaded & installed Seasons and Island Paradise according to the installation guides in each of their torrents. 
I didn't have any problems installing or anything. Once I clicked play on the launcher, the game started up and ran smoothly.
I decided to check out the new world that came with Island Paradise. When I went into CAS and started looking at some custom sims I recently downloaded, it crashed.
I then applied the 1.55 update in the Island Paradise torrent (the manual patch was taking way too long to download, it's actually still downloading), then I followed the instructions in the ultimate fix.
I started the game again, skipped going into CAS, and just moved a family in. That's when I saw the problems I mentioned earlier.
What should I do?
I don't think there was any problems installing Seasons nor do I think there's anything wrong with Seasons in the game, since when I went to Bridgeport and played one of my previously saved games, everything was normal and I didn't have the problems I noticed with the Island Paradise world.


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In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise Empty Re: In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise

Post by invalidusername Tue 30 Jul 2013, 03:33

Please don't bump your posts, we'll get to them as soon as we can. Smile

What I would recommend is backing up and removing "Documents\Electronic Arts\Sims 3". You can just rename that folder, if you'd like. (This will remove all your cc, mods, saves, etc from the game, making it as if you had just done a fresh install)

Then test the game and see if it works.
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In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise Empty Re: In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise

Post by Guest Tue 30 Jul 2013, 07:00

Oops, sorry! I guess I should've updated this. Well, since no one replied earlier, I removed my mods folder and tested it out. Everything was fine so I figured I needed to update one of my mods and it turned out to be the problem. I updated all of my mods and everything worked out after that. It was a simple solution, I was just really tired last night and wanted to sleep haha. Thanks.


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In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise Empty Re: In-Game Issues After Installing Island Paradise

Post by J.T. Tue 30 Jul 2013, 07:28


Happy simming The Sims 3 plumbob !

And don't hesitate to ask any questions.
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