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.sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED]

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.sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED] Empty .sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 01 Oct 2013, 10:08

Hi guys,
i have an issue with some of my installed .sims3packs (decrap) add a doublet with the .package icon in Create A Sim (so far it's only affecting clothing). I've checked the files with CUSTARD and they are not corrupted or anything. It doesn't affect the game atm, but i fear it might do in the future if more .sims3packs do the same thing.

Have any of you experienced similar behavior?

Be safe

I'm a Noob  don't hate!


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.sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED] Empty Re: .sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 01 Oct 2013, 18:03

kvsydow wrote:Hi guys,
i have an issue with some of my installed .sims3packs (decrap) add a doublet with the .package icon in Create A Sim (so far it's only affecting clothing). I've checked the files with CUSTARD and they are not corrupted or anything. It doesn't affect the game atm, but i fear it might do in the future if more .sims3packs do the same thing.

Have any of you experienced similar behavior?

Be safe

I'm a Noob  don't hate!

As for these duplicates, try clearing the cache; so go to My documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete the following stuff:

-plus the contents of the folders "WorldCaches" & "Thumbnails"

Re-start the game and see if the duplicates are gone. Then, you can even try installing a few more ".sims3packs", for example from G4TW's new download account (in my signature, click on the link "Sims 3 store stuff"). See if you still get these duplicates.

Good luck ! Smile
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.sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED] Empty Re: .sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 04 Oct 2013, 07:59

Hi Carlos,
and thx for your reply. It finally dawned to me, that the JCPenny Set includes 10 items causing the doublet error...totally forgot about that old set.

Thx again!

Moderator edit: OK, I'm glad you could fix the problem yourself then. OK, I'll close the topic. Have fun !

- Carlos


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.sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED] Empty Re: .sims3pack installs a doublet with the .package icon in CAS. [SOLVED]

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