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Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..?

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Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..? Empty Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..?

Post by Guest Wed 31 Oct 2012, 01:48

Okay, so because if issues with some of my furniture, I saved my custom families using export during the game as Sims3pack files. After that, I deleted all my CC (deleted my Electronic Arts folder from My Documents) and started over from scratch, only to have some families not appear. I install using the launcher and it says success on all of them, I go to the game and only 5/7 show up. I re-install the ones that are missing, go to the game and have like 3/7. I've done this a few times and it changes the families that shows so I don't think it's individual families that are corrupt. Don't have this problem with any of the other CC, just the families I created, then exported.

I'm running 1.39 with all packs installed. I installed the CC that came with the families before I install them. Anyone had this problem before or know how to solve it? Usually, I wouldn't mind CC not working, but these are families I've spent days working on. Sad


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Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..? Empty Re: Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..?

Post by t2sink Wed 31 Oct 2012, 05:13

You didn't do a in case backup of the folder? Is the folder still in the recycle bin, or did you clean that?
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Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..? Empty Re: Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..?

Post by Guest Thu 01 Nov 2012, 02:58

No, I emptied the recycling bin. I usually do make a backup right before I install new CC, just in case I have some bad CC that I need to delete but sad to say I was too impatient to make a backup with everything installed since I have a lot of CC and it took over 20 GB.

Do you guys think the game needs a fresh re-install or something?


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Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..? Empty Re: Sims3pack families installs but is later gone..?

Post by invalidusername Thu 01 Nov 2012, 03:04

Sometimes things just don't stay installed with this game. I would recommend installing them one at a time, and running the game to see if that works at all.
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