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Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED]

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Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED] Empty Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 11 Oct 2013, 00:24

Hi! I haven't been able to play Sims for the last two months and well, I needed to update the game and store fixes. I did both last night, I followed the guides perfectly and for some reason I can't install any of the new stuff (the new world, cow set, surfs up collection, etc). Can someone please help me with this? Thank you so much Sad


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Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 11 Oct 2013, 00:58

Karinanie wrote:Hi! I haven't been able to play Sims for the last two months and well, I needed to update the game and store fixes. I did both last night, I followed the guides perfectly and for some reason I can't install any of the new stuff (the new world, cow set, surfs up collection, etc). Can someone please help me with this? Thank you so much Sad

I suppose you tried to install the items with the launcher ? One possible cause could be that you tried to install too many ".sims3packs" at once. If you do that, they just won't install, or only a few of them will actually install. So you might want to try other ways.

1) More generally, read up on this here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t3330-an-alternative-approach-to-managing-store-and-custom-contentupdated-the-sims-3

2) If you want to use "CC Magic", look at this topic: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t7029-the-sims-3-cc-please-make-sure-your-game-has-the-latest-software-updates-and-try-again-error-s-100-solution

3) Or if you still want to use the launcher, like I said above: don't install too many items at once; so let's say just put in 15-20 items in the "Downloads"-folder, install them with the launcher, then put the next items into the Downloads-folder, and so on. And if they still "refuse" to install, look at this:  https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t2208-sims3pack-installed-world-inaccessible-or-wont-install-fix

Whatever you want to try, good luck !

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Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 11 Oct 2013, 01:30

Problem solved! Thank you very much Smile

Moderator edit: OK, happy simming ! This is closed.

- Carlos


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Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store Fixes Issue. [SOLVED]

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