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Downloading Questions

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Downloading Questions Empty Downloading Questions

Post by Guest Wed 23 Oct 2013, 15:27

If I can update with the Sims 3 launcher, do I still have to get the patches? This is my first time at this site, and I don't understand the instructions. I have already bought the base game, seasons, SN, IP, UNI, GEN, LN, ST, Pets, and High-End Loft. I wish to get the other games from here, but I have a few questions:

1.) My launcher update works. Do I need the patches?
2.) I own the games stated above. I got them in a store. Do I need to re-download them from here? Or will they work with the g4tw downloads? And do I need a patch for that?
3.) The instructions say to re-download the ultimate fix. Do I download that before I download the games? Or after? Do I need the fix at all, or can I just install the games?
4.) The instructions of how to backup my games before downloading anything says to delete the original file. Where would the downloads go to then? If they get loaded into the backup folder, then wouldn't that erase the point of the backup in case something goes wrong? Do I have to get rid of it? Or did I just misunderstand the instruction?

I've read the instructions about 10 times, but I can't apply them, since I have no idea if I need them or what I'm doing. Please respond!


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Downloading Questions Empty Re: Downloading Questions

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 23 Oct 2013, 18:51

Panther36m wrote:If I can update with the Sims 3 launcher, do I still have to get the patches? This is my first time at this site, and I don't understand the instructions. I have already bought the base game, seasons, SN, IP, UNI, GEN, LN, ST, Pets, and High-End Loft. I wish to get the other games from here, but I have a few questions:

1.) My launcher update works. Do I need the patches?
2.) I own the games stated above. I got them in a store. Do I need to re-download them from here? Or will they work with the g4tw downloads? And do I need a patch for that?
3.) The instructions say to re-download the ultimate fix. Do I download that before I download the games? Or after? Do I need the fix at all, or can I just install the games?
4.) The instructions of how to backup my games before downloading anything says to delete the original file. Where would the downloads go to then? If they get loaded into the backup folder, then wouldn't that erase the point of the backup in case something goes wrong? Do I have to get rid of it? Or did I just misunderstand the instruction?

I've read the instructions about 10 times, but I can't apply them, since I have no idea if I need them or what I'm doing. Please respond!

1) If your launcher update was successful, then you don't need the (manual) patches anymore.

2) You can safely "mix" bought games and the G4TW games.

3) The "Ultimate fix" is there to allow you to play the game without having to insert the physical disc of the expansion, that was released most recently. You apply this "fix" AFTER installing all expansions necessary. Please, refer to this here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly

4) In that case, you misunderstood something (but I can't tell exactly what). Either way: if you download games and software, it is generally recommended that you keep the downloads in a safe place, like an external hard-drive. You do NOT want to have to re-download everything, if you keep the downloaded stuff all on your computer, and then something "unexpected" happens to it.

Moreover, it is recommended that you regularly "backup" especially your save files (you do not want to lose in-game progress). These are located in My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saves. Just backup the whole "Saves"-folder.

If you have any other questions, let us know. Good luck ! Smile
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Downloading Questions Empty Re: Downloading Questions

Post by Guest Thu 24 Oct 2013, 13:21

Okay, so I installed it. THANK YOU! But a few more questions. I accidentally didn't install the stuff packs before I put the latest ultimate fix in. Do I have to re-download the fix and replace it again? Or do I just install them, and put the fixes in the folder in afterwards? Also, there is no fix for Master Suite in the folder. There is a folder that says EP after GEN. Is that it?


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Downloading Questions Empty Re: Downloading Questions

Post by Guest Thu 24 Oct 2013, 18:08

Ok, please do the following:
¤ Install your EPs and SPs, but do not use the cracks provided in the torrents;
¤ If needed in between, use the Manual Patch ti update your game. If it hasn't asked for an update, download and apply it nevertheless;
¤ Copy the files from the #Crack folder of the latest Ultimate Fix to the base game installation folder.
That should make your game work!


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Downloading Questions Empty Re: Downloading Questions

Post by Guest Thu 24 Oct 2013, 18:25

Thank you! I'll do that! Also, may I ask what anime your pic is from?


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Downloading Questions Empty Re: Downloading Questions

Post by Guest Thu 24 Oct 2013, 18:27

Durarara!! Wink


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