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black loading screens

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black loading screens Empty black loading screens

Post by Guest Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:27

hello, I've got a bit of a problem with my game as it keeps on getting stuck in the loading screen as soon as I click the button to close the window after the installer has finished installing the content -

here's a screenshot:

black loading screens Untitl11

also, it keeps crashing on the loading screen a few seconds after i've launched the game. i've got a feeling that it might be cc related but i don't think i've installed anything before it started happening. so i'm a bit worried that it might be a system related issue. but thennnn i tried launching the game using a different user (pc/windows user) and it went smoothly like a baby's butt. so i'm back to thinking that it definitely is a cc related issue and i really don't want to have to uninstall everything.

i should also probably mention that i am using a few mods. mostly NRaas and one ***** thing.

i'm sure this has been asked before but i've googled it and none of them has worked out for my game.

someone send help. thank you! Smile


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black loading screens Empty Re: black loading screens

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 15 Nov 2013, 11:46

fantasticbaby wrote:hello, I've got a bit of a problem with my game as it keeps on getting stuck in the loading screen as soon as I click the button to close the window after the installer has finished installing the content -

here's a screenshot:

black loading screens Untitl11

also, it keeps crashing on the loading screen a few seconds after i've launched the game. i've got a feeling that it might be cc related but i don't think i've installed anything before it started happening. so i'm a bit worried that it might be a system related issue. but thennnn i tried launching the game using a different user (pc/windows user) and it went smoothly like a baby's butt. so i'm back to thinking that it definitely is a cc related issue and i really don't want to have to uninstall everything.

i should also probably mention that i am using a few mods. mostly NRaas and one ***** thing.

i'm sure this has been asked before but i've googled it and none of them has worked out for my game.

someone send help. thank you! Smile

Can you try taking out ALL your mods ? Even if they are compatible with the base game patch level you're at, they still might cause trouble. Also, go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete the scriptCache.package file.

Keep in mind that the launcher is seriously glitched, so for now, you can try starting the game "directly" with the TS3W.exe. You'll usually find that in C:\Program file\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin. If your base game is from Origin, then the location is:
C:\Program file\Origin games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin.

Let us know if your game starts then, so that we can go further. Good louck ! Smile
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black loading screens Empty Re: black loading screens

Post by Guest Sat 16 Nov 2013, 14:03

hi i managed to somehow kind of fix it myself, i just tried to bypass the launcher and it somehow worked so now i can play again.

but the only remaining problem is that i still can't install anything because even if it says installed on the launcher installer thingy, like what i've explained before it just gets stuck on that black loading screen after clicking the finish button or whatever button it is. i really don't want to have to use more mods now that i know how much they can affect my game. is there another way to install them?

thank you so much for the help though! Smile


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black loading screens Empty Re: black loading screens

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 16 Nov 2013, 17:20

fantasticbaby wrote:hi i managed to somehow kind of fix it myself, i just tried to bypass the launcher and it somehow worked so now i can play again.

but the only remaining problem is that i still can't install anything because even if it says installed on the launcher installer thingy, like what i've explained before it just gets stuck on that black loading screen after clicking the finish button or whatever button it is. i really don't want to have to use more mods now that i know how much they can affect my game. is there another way to install them?

thank you so much for the help though! Smile

Hello again,

How many items are you trying to install with the launcher, in one "turn" ? Keep in mind that the launcher cannot install "too many" items at once. You might want to give "CC Magic" a try: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t7029-the-sims-3-cc-please-make-sure-your-game-has-the-latest-software-updates-and-try-again-error-s-100-solution

Good luck and let me know how it went !


Whatever that "*******"-thing is what you talked about in your opening post, are you absolutely sure it is working for your patch level ? In case of doubt, leave it out ! Better be safe than sorry. Wink 

Last edited by Carlos G. on Mon 18 Nov 2013, 12:17; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo.)
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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black loading screens Empty Re: black loading screens

Post by Guest Mon 18 Nov 2013, 09:01

hi um the ding-a-ling mod thing that i talked about on the original post seems to be working fine on my game, i've managed to play my game twice since this post and they're looking fine but i still haven't tried to install content so i might try that again later. thank you for all the help though! Smile


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black loading screens Empty Re: black loading screens

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 18 Nov 2013, 12:18

fantasticbaby wrote:hi um the ding-a-ling mod thing that i talked about on the original post seems to be working fine on my game, i've managed to play my game twice since this post and they're looking fine but i still haven't tried to install content so i might try that again later. thank you for all the help though! Smile
You're welcome. Please update this topic when you feel ready. Either I or another Helper/Mod will come back to you then.

Indeed, you might give CC Magic a try. Smile 
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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