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Sims 3 loading page is black, and some of the text is missing, White screen also

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Sims 3 loading page is black, and some of the text is missing, White screen also Empty Sims 3 loading page is black, and some of the text is missing, White screen also

Post by Guest Tue 03 Dec 2013, 21:30

HI! When I turn on my sims 3, the loading screen is black, but it still loads but when it's finish and I'm on the menu page, some of the text is missing. I don't know what's the problem and heck I know I can be stupid at times but this, this is just aererrrrrhhrhrrhhrhhrhghhhh! frustrating haha. 

edit: Now the towns won't load, its just a white screen.

I'm sorry if you guys answered this question many times, but I've tried the balloon fix, the ultimate fix and so on. But nothing I do seem to work. My computer is fine, nothing has viruses or anything. I've downloaded some expansion packs from different people other than Games4World, so do you think that could be the issue? 

I tried uninstalling them one by one to see which one was causing the black screen but I'm at a loss now. I would really appreciate the help if you have advice. PLEASE I MISS SIMS!!!      Sims 3 loading page is black, and some of the text is missing, White screen also Tumblr_m6ijbycBwn1rsrbj9_large


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Sims 3 loading page is black, and some of the text is missing, White screen also Empty Re: Sims 3 loading page is black, and some of the text is missing, White screen also

Post by Sephymuffins Tue 03 Dec 2013, 22:41


Oh, I know that feeling - of just wanting to play and not worry about all of the errors coming up!  It's a pain.  Sad

There are a few things that can be going wrong that could be causing your issues, however we'll going to have to go step by step so that I/we can accurately assess what my be the culprit or what is not the culprit.  So bear with us please!

The three red-flags I got in what you posted are these:  you briefly mentioned the Ultimate Fix,  that you began to uninstall expansions and that you downloaded expansions from other people (more than likely via torrenting, right?).

I am a little biased here and I will recommend that people download all of their games from Games 4 The World.  Wink  However!  What's done is done and I can work with it, so long as none of these expansions end up being the problem for you.
The one thing you don't want to do, though, is uninstall expansions compulsively.  I know your feeling here, as I've done the same thing to my games when they've become obstanent, however you risk corrupting, damaging or just causing more of a headache for yourself.  Be advised too, that you always want to restart your PC after uninstalling anything.

This being said, there are a series of steps I'd urge you!  Smile

1.  First restart your PC.  If you've already done this (or shut it down) because of other reasons, that's fine.  

2.  If you still have the .zip or .rar files containing the expansions you're wanting, please make a fresh folder wherever you can and re-extract the files for every expansion into their own, neat, folders.  

3.  Once you've done this, please attempt to reinstall the expansions you want and be sure not to run the game between installing them.  Meaning, go on an install fest!  Smile

4.  Once you've done step 3, please go here and do the steps 2 through 5.  You'll be having to download something called the 'Manual Patch' and the 'Ultimate Fix'.  If you've already got the UltimateFix.rar on your PC, please open it, pull up the .pdf and tell me what date you see.  If it does NOT say 31-10-2013, it is outdated, and you'll need to re-download it via one of the Mirror Links.

Please let us know if you have any complications, questions or errors when attempting to do all that I suggested.  Smile

Good luck!  The Sims Plumbob 1
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