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A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly."

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A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Empty A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly."

Post by Guest Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:08

Well after installing the sims 3, al add ons and expansionspack - and then following the "how to install the sims 3 correctly" guide - I got an "Unable to start game - service initialization failed (0x0175dcbb)" error - so I followed this guide:

Unable to start game - Service initialization failed (0x0175dcbb) error. to uninstall - and am currently reinstalling.

But re-reading the "how to install the sims 3 correctly" - I think I maybe have misunderstood something:

3. When it finished updating your game to the latest version, RE-DOWNLOAD the latest version of our Ultimate Fix: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t752-the-sims-3-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems

4. Open the "# Crack" folder in the Ultimate Fix and drag & drop the .exe and .dll file in there to exactly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin   and choose "Copy and Replace" on the pop-up that appears, telling you the files already exist in that folder.
(If you downloaded and installed your base game via Origin, the crack goes into this folder instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin )

When I follow step three - I download the link saying: "CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE TEMPORARY FIC (PC)! ( A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Icon_exclaimNot recommendedA question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Icon_exclaim , but works with all versions) *WORKING*" (as the other two links says "not working") ... but in the #crack folder there is only "mods" - and not the usual TS3 and TSLHost.dll ... so I can't copy and replace from the #crack" folder in the fix ...

I am not sure how to proceed to get the game to work ... could anybody spell it out for a noob like me? (so I do not have to uninstall, reinstall for all eternity)

Thanks Smile


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A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Empty Re: A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly."

Post by Guest Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:14

EA Recently released the 1.66 patch. The team at games4theworld are currently fixing the crack so it works with 1.66. All you need to do is manually patch your sims to 1.63 found here

Once you've done the manual patch, download the Ultimate Fix *NOT WORKING* - It means not working for 1.66 but is fine if you have the 1.63 patch. Hope I made that clear enough to understand.


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A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Empty Re: A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly."

Post by Guest Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:23

Thanks ... just to make sure I haven't gotten anything wrong:

After installing the game and the expansions - I manually patch the game - download the ultimative fix *not working* - and then copy the files from the # crack and then overwrite the files in the base game. (and do not follow the steps in the guide for the ultimative fix?!)


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A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Empty Re: A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly."

Post by Guest Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:26

Yeah! Then it should work fine.


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A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." Empty Re: A question about the "How to install The Sims 3 correctly."

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