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Moving Crash!

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Moving Crash! Empty Moving Crash!

Post by Guest Wed 05 Feb 2014, 01:30

Hi there I currently downloaded ambitions and decided to move from sunset valley to twinbrooke, everything is fine til i actually move my sims into the house then the game seems to crash but the trees still move, I just cant click on anything and time stops, I heard there are some glitches with moving so I was wondering if it was just that? I've also uninstalled all of the expansion packs and installed them again ad still get the same problem, it's not too much of a problem but help is appreciated:)  pig


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Moving Crash! Empty Re: Moving Crash!

Post by Guest Wed 05 Feb 2014, 01:41


I think the game lags. Try this Lady Eldi guide in Lag Fixes: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t4692-game-lag-possible-fixes


One Question. Do you have Mods?


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