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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found

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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

Post by Guest Tue 04 Feb 2014, 19:07

Please forgive my lack of "techy" skills - and being new to this group.

I downloaded University Life from Pirate Bay - ran the install - everything was fine. I went to the Crack# folder and copied and pasted the two files to the C:/Programs86 --- Folder clicked the copy and replace ok -pop up -

Rebooted and went to start the game and says "No Disc Found ...." - I am confused on what I did wrong as I have also downloaded additional expansions and stuff packs but am only putting them in one at a time.

I purchased Sims 3/Supernatural through Origin - and have other several other expansions and stuff pack through my sisters Origin - University is my first download and all my future downloads are strictly Games4theworld - through Pirate Bay.

Thanks in advance for the help and forgiveness in the confusion.



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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty Re: (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

Post by Guest Tue 04 Feb 2014, 19:23

Hello and welcome to the G4TW Forum! Very Happy
So first of all you need to download the manual patch and update your game to the latest version (1.67), you can find it here:
Then download the Ultimate Fix which can be found here:
1. Click on manual patch and let it update to latest version (1.67)
2. Then open the ultimate fix that you downloaded, go to #crack folder and copy the content of that folder and paste it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin.(make sure you choose "Copy and replace".)
3. Open your game to check if it works!
Let us know what happens


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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty Re: (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

Post by Guest Tue 04 Feb 2014, 20:42


Thank you for the information - and the friend request. I did as instructed and the game installed - I launched the game - and on the main screen when the green bar shows withe the background for University Life - after about 1/3 of the way processed the game crashes. 



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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty Re: (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

Post by Guest Tue 04 Feb 2014, 20:46

Hello Patti, Smile
If by "Crashing" you mean "the sims 3 has stopped working" the check this topic to see if it helps you:
Let us know! Very Happy


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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty Re: (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

Post by Guest Wed 05 Feb 2014, 00:35


Yes, that is what I meant. I am convinced I am an instructional moron at this point - have tried everything as follows in order - and still the same issue - finally gave up and uninstalled UL - my Sims 3 would not open after that - so the only fix I do know is to uninstall Sims 3 Base game and reinstall....lol ---so that is what I did.... I am going to have to see if a techy friend can come over and put the games in.... here are the expansions that I am going to put in - should I in any particular order?

University Life
Into The Future
Late Night
Island Paradise
High End Stuff
Movie Stuff
70's 80's, etc.
Katy Perry 

I think that is that is all I have to install.... please feel free to PM and close this thread.


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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty Re: (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

Post by Guest Wed 05 Feb 2014, 01:56

First of all you need to know there's NO need for people to close topics when the issue is not solved yet! Smile Everybody's here to share their knowledge!
So there are no order for installing TS3 expansion/stuff packs.
About your post on my wall I had NO idea that your cable company would do that... Sad
and we can DEFINITELY help you as much as we can!
since EA is such a greedy company there is no need for you to buy all those ep/sps.
But if you want to do that you can go ahead! Very Happy
If you need help with anything AT ALL just post it and if anyone can help they will for sure!
Good Luck!  Wink


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(Newbie here) - No Disc Found  Empty Re: (Newbie here) - No Disc Found

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