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Create-a-sim background.

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Create-a-sim background. Empty Create-a-sim background.

Post by Guest Thu 27 Mar 2014, 20:18

A couple days ago I deleted all of the files I installed through the Sims 3 launcher and all the CC in the mods folder. After re-installing everything I'm now having this problem. When I load CAS the background is white. I tried deleting some new mods I downloaded, but that didn't help. Then I tried deleting cache files but the backgrounds is still white. Is there a way to fix this?


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Create-a-sim background. Empty Re: Create-a-sim background.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 27 Mar 2014, 20:43

Allie0289 wrote:A couple days ago I deleted all of the files I installed through the Sims 3 launcher and all the CC in the mods folder. After re-installing everything I'm now having this problem. When I load CAS the background is white. I tried deleting some new mods I downloaded, but that didn't help. Then I tried deleting cache files but the backgrounds is still white. Is there a way to fix this?


Do you know if your graphics drivers are updated ? If you're unsure, please check for any driver updates. Next, try lowering a few graphics settings in the in-game options menu, and see if this affects your performance somehow. Try lowering resolution, edge smoothing and lot detail, for now.

Next, look on Piratebay for a tool called "GameBooster". It can help you free up system resources for smoother gameplay. Using it should be pretty self-explanatory, which is why I'm not going into more detail - for now. Wink 

Good luck ! Smile

P.S. I have split your post from another topic. While I do appreciate your using the search function, what the forum rules ACTUALLY say is that you should only use the search function for reading up on older posts and any replies. You are NOT supposed to post your question(s) under someone else's old topic. If you cannot find the answer(s) you're looking for, feel free to open a NEW topic then.
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