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ISP shut down

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ISP shut down Empty ISP shut down

Post by Guest Tue 11 Oct 2011, 17:09

I'm not sure where to put this, I hope this is where it goes.

The other day I noticed my internet wasn't working, so I tried all of the quick fixes I know and none of them worked. I called my ISP and they said my net was turned off because they received a request from a company stating I was seeding the Sims 3 games (which I was.) I said I wasn't, that I would change the password on my wireless router, and they put my net back on. In a worry, I uninstalled all of the games, and deleted the torrents and files for the game because the fine here is $250,000 per game (and I had each expansion and stuff pack, save for the base game and 1 expansion that I bought myself.) If I were to redownload them and install them, without reseeding them, would they still be able to see that I had those files?


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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by Narong30 Tue 11 Oct 2011, 18:03


They cannot trace you, if you didn't seed it Smile
By the way, you living at which country ?
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by Guest Tue 11 Oct 2011, 18:35

The United States.


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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 12 Oct 2011, 09:21

They are very strict in the US.
The Netherlands not so much, they've been trying to limit access to the pirate bay for years but so far, not successfully.
Its alarming though how much they know about your online activities. I bet they have much more options to check on this since the patriot act.

My only concern with re downloading the games without seeding them is that you're always uploading while you're downloading, turning uploads off can slow your download significantly. Downloading is, if I remember correctly, also not allowed in the US and maybe you should get it over with ASAP.
If they really wanted to, they could still trace deleted files on your pc, unless you also reformatted your drive.

I wonder if you could prevent this in the future by using a proxy?
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by Narong30 Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:05

Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,
They are very strict in the US.
The Netherlands not so much, they've been trying to limit access to the pirate bay for years but so far, not successfully.
Its alarming though how much they know about your online activities. I bet they have much more options to check on this since the patriot act.

My only concern with re downloading the games without seeding them is that you're always uploading while you're downloading, turning uploads off can slow your download significantly. Downloading is, if I remember correctly, also not allowed in the US and maybe you should get it over with ASAP.
If they really wanted to, they could still trace deleted files on your pc, unless you also reformatted your drive.

I wonder if you could prevent this in the future by using a proxy?

Yes proxy... but he need pay for the VPN service. Otherwise you get a bad proxy. And you internet speed will be so awful
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:08

Narong30 wrote:
Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,
They are very strict in the US.
The Netherlands not so much, they've been trying to limit access to the pirate bay for years but so far, not successfully.
Its alarming though how much they know about your online activities. I bet they have much more options to check on this since the patriot act.

My only concern with re downloading the games without seeding them is that you're always uploading while you're downloading, turning uploads off can slow your download significantly. Downloading is, if I remember correctly, also not allowed in the US and maybe you should get it over with ASAP.
If they really wanted to, they could still trace deleted files on your pc, unless you also reformatted your drive.

I wonder if you could prevent this in the future by using a proxy?

Yes proxy... but he need pay for the VPN service. Otherwise you get a bad proxy. And you internet speed will be so awful

Ah well patience is a virtue and I imagine the proxy is much cheaper than buying the complete Sims 3 series.
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by Narong30 Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:20

Lady ElDi wrote:
Narong30 wrote:
Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,
They are very strict in the US.
The Netherlands not so much, they've been trying to limit access to the pirate bay for years but so far, not successfully.
Its alarming though how much they know about your online activities. I bet they have much more options to check on this since the patriot act.

My only concern with re downloading the games without seeding them is that you're always uploading while you're downloading, turning uploads off can slow your download significantly. Downloading is, if I remember correctly, also not allowed in the US and maybe you should get it over with ASAP.
If they really wanted to, they could still trace deleted files on your pc, unless you also reformatted your drive.

I wonder if you could prevent this in the future by using a proxy?

Yes proxy... but he need pay for the VPN service. Otherwise you get a bad proxy. And you internet speed will be so awful

Ah well patience is a virtue and I imagine the proxy is much cheaper than buying the complete Sims 3 series.

It's something like license. You need to renew when the dateline arrive. Usually people will pay for monthly....
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by Yusifer Thu 13 Oct 2011, 04:29

Oh, wow; I'm in Canada and we don't have issues like this with ISPs. The only time they'd shut you down is if someone hacked you and uses your router to do illegal activities such as robbing bank information, etc.
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 13 Oct 2011, 09:22

The only time they'd shut you down here is if you didn't pay the bill. I don't think ISP's keep tabs on what you do online. Its not allowed, as far as I know. That's a good thing and a bad thing I guess, because its also harder to track the more disgusting use of internet.
I think they'd start asking questions if you use much, MUCH more bandwith than the average person does, but you'd have to download a LOT. My ex husband used to download 15 tv episodes a week as well as my games and all other software, he was downloading 24/7. We never heard a thing. I also believe they're looking at extensive uploading more than they do downloading.

Narong would it be possible to use the proxy for one month, just to download all the Sims games? Or is it more like you'd have to agree to using it for a whole year. There are also free proxy's, these probably take a little more research to find out if they are trusted.
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ISP shut down Empty Re: ISP shut down

Post by Admin Fri 14 Oct 2011, 16:27

Hi there,

Well, your ISP can always monitor what you're downloading/uploading and they can even see what files exactly you're downloading/uploading. The only secure way to prevent this is either a complete VPN or a Bittorrent VPN only. (Google is your friend - do a good research) The prices might be high, but you might find it worth for you.

Also, I remember I came across this website... I forgot it's name - if someone finds it, please share it - where you can put the link of the torrent you want to download and then website will first download the torrent to their servers (Fast) and then you can download the file of from their server, instead of using something like uTorrent. Might be handy.
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