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VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download

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VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download Empty VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download

Post by Guest Mon 19 May 2014, 01:40

Hellooo everyone!! Sooo I have almost all of TS3 SP's & EP's (from games4theworld) and everything was running swimmingly until I downloaded some CC from The Sims Store and put in a few old package files (NO MODS just some reg. cc i.e make up, pet stuff, eyes, eyebrows, hair etc. no clothes not a whole lot at all) then the game started taking 1 1/2 hours to even load and it was very slow and VERYYYYY glitchy.. Like watching squirrels run around how they move like all... idk if youve seen it you know lol BUT it's VERY FRUSTRATING to the point where I can't even play it anymore.. I'll try to play and about 30 mins in I just can't even continue.. >Sad my sims will just freeze for 3 or 4 sim hours and I have them trying to do something please help me figure out what to do to get the sims game running right again.

I've read and installed  everything AS SAID IN GUIDE (like i said it was running PERFECT until the CC)
Yes I've searched the forum and have even contacted games4theworld personally, no response back so i had to make an account
I installed some CC but it shouldnt be messing up like that BC I've barely installed ANYTHING
I'm running a 64-Bit Windows 7 HP Pavilion G Series

Would really appreciate a quick reply thanks so much in advance!!


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VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download Empty Re: VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download

Post by Guest Mon 19 May 2014, 16:32

If this is messing up your game, I suggest you remove it. I know it's a pain but it's the only option as of now, until someone can tell you a better solution.



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VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download Empty Re: VERY slow & VERY glitchy since CC download

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 29 May 2014, 22:25

accessdenied11911 wrote:Hellooo everyone!! Sooo I have almost all of TS3 SP's & EP's (from games4theworld) and everything was running swimmingly until I downloaded some CC from The Sims Store and put in a few old package files (NO MODS just some reg. cc i.e make up, pet stuff, eyes, eyebrows, hair etc. no clothes not a whole lot at all) then the game started taking 1 1/2 hours to even load and it was very slow and VERYYYYY glitchy.. Like watching squirrels run around how they move like all... idk if youve seen it you know lol BUT it's VERY FRUSTRATING to the point where I can't even play it anymore.. I'll try to play and about 30 mins in I just can't even continue.. >Sad my sims will just freeze for 3 or 4 sim hours and I have them trying to do something please help me figure out what to do to get the sims game running right again.

I've read and installed  everything AS SAID IN GUIDE (like i said it was running PERFECT until the CC)
Yes I've searched the forum and have even contacted games4theworld personally, no response back so i had to make an account
I installed some CC but it shouldnt be messing up like that BC I've barely installed ANYTHING
I'm running a 64-Bit Windows 7 HP Pavilion G Series

Would really appreciate a quick reply thanks so much in advance!!

Hello and sorry for the late reply,

I've been absent myself for quite a while, and I just "returned" very recently. As for your issue, have you tried deleting the following cache files, located in My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 ? Please do so...

-plus the contents of the folders "WorldCaches" & "Thumbnails"

Re-start the game then and see if anything improved. Good luck and keep us updated !

P.S. yes, sometimes you can't get a reply, because of the heavy e-mail traffic, so you'd be better off making an account on here - or posting your question on the G4TW Facebook page:

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