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Clarification installing expanision packs for the sims 3

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Clarification installing expanision packs for the sims 3 Empty Clarification installing expanision packs for the sims 3

Post by Guest Mon 23 Jun 2014, 22:37

When you mention installing the expansation packs, do we have to do the instruction with the crack as well because some people say to do it but some say don't or do we just install them and then install the manual patch and the ultimate fix or we have to apply the crack for each expansion we download , then do the manual patch and then the ultimate fix? please help!


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Clarification installing expanision packs for the sims 3 Empty Re: Clarification installing expanision packs for the sims 3

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 24 Jun 2014, 00:41

itsneli wrote:When you mention installing the expansation packs, do we have to do the instruction with the crack as well because some people say to do it but some say don't or do we just install them and then install the manual patch and the ultimate fix or we have to apply the crack for each expansion we download , then do the manual patch and then the ultimate fix? please help!


Personally I recommend you choose the "easier" way, namely just using the latest "manual superpatch", and then the #crack-folder of the Ultimate fix, and LEAVE OUT all other folders in the Ultimate fix. 

So just re-do the steps from #2 to #4 here, and you'll be fine:


Good luck !
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