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Sims3 Ultimate Fix Problems

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Sims3 Ultimate Fix Problems Empty Sims3 Ultimate Fix Problems

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 23:20

Ok so I have the sims 3 base game and I downloaded late night recently and it hasent been working properly when I try to start it up from the launcher it says "No game disk found! Please insert The Sims 3 late night disk before proceeding" so I downloaded the ultimate fix for PC and I went into the #Crack folder and dragged everything in it to the Bin folder in Progran Files and I clicked replace and it says it could not find this Idem and to verify the items location and try again and I don't know what to do am I doing it wrong Help


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Sims3 Ultimate Fix Problems Empty Re: Sims3 Ultimate Fix Problems

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 08 Aug 2014, 02:21

katieebree wrote:Ok so I have the sims 3 base game and I downloaded late night recently and it hasent been working properly when I try to start it up from the launcher it says "No game disk found! Please insert The Sims 3 late night disk before proceeding" so I downloaded the ultimate fix for PC and I went into the #Crack folder and dragged everything in it to the Bin folder in Progran Files and I clicked replace and it says it could not find this Idem and to verify the items location and try again and I don't know what to do am I doing it wrong Help


If you haven't done so yet, please patch your game with the latest "manual patch", here:


And after you've done that, you MUST install at least one of the following expansions too:

Into the Future, Movie Stuff, Island Paradise, University Life, 70s, 80s, & 90s Stuff, Seasons, Supernatural, Diesel Stuff, Katy Perry Sweet Treats, Showtime, Master Suite Stuff, Pets, Town Life Stuff, Generations

Get the games from here:


Let me know once you have done that, so that we can go further (there are some other steps still, but I think that's enough information for now). Good luck !
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