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Is there anyway I can have the ultimate fix before the outdoor retreat stuff? [CLOSED]

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Is there anyway I can have the ultimate fix before the outdoor retreat stuff? [CLOSED] Empty Is there anyway I can have the ultimate fix before the outdoor retreat stuff? [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Mon 02 Feb 2015, 17:27


Random request, but there is anyway I could download the patch that had just the job and pool update, my laptop/game for whatever reason doesn't seem to like the new fix so I've had to uninstall the whole game but I'd love to have pools and the jobs back in my game, it seemed to like that fix so if there is anyway to have that I'd love it...

Thanks for any help



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Is there anyway I can have the ultimate fix before the outdoor retreat stuff? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Is there anyway I can have the ultimate fix before the outdoor retreat stuff? [CLOSED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 02 Feb 2015, 21:14

musicaljo wrote:Hello,

Random request, but there is anyway I could download the patch that had just the job and pool update, my laptop/game for whatever reason doesn't seem to like the new fix so I've had to uninstall the whole game but I'd love to have pools and the jobs back in my game, it seemed to like that fix so if there is anyway to have that I'd love it...

Thanks for any help


Please keep ALL discussions (on the same game) in only ONE thread next time. Smile  It only makes things very confusing, if there are multiple open/unresolved threads on the same subject at the same time.

That said, if you really can't get it working, it's probably best if you e-mailed the Admin here:

He will then forward you the old link(s). Smile  


Topic is obsolete and therefore closed now. Please read this topic here.
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