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Please help about ulti fix

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Please help about ulti fix Empty Please help about ulti fix

Post by Guest Wed 28 Jan 2015, 06:32

I just download sims 3 today
and install it step by step as this thread > https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly

this's what I have
- Sims 3
- Ambitions
- Fast Lane Stuff
- Generations
- HighEnd Loft Stuff
- Into the Future
- Island Paradise
- Late Night
- Master Suite Stuff
- Outdoor Living Stuff
- Pets
- Season
- Showtime
- Supernatural
- Town Life Stuff
- University Life
- World Adventure

I download patch and fix from https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1870-can-t-update-the-sims-3-to-v1-67-fix-manual-patch
I havn't try to run game yet because I'm confusing about crack.

here's the question
1. Which files I have to put in my sims 3 folder? #Crack or Base Game?
2. Do I need to put all other file in ulti fix into my expension folder that I have too? or just sims 3 base?
3. from '2.', If I have to put ulti fix file into all of my expension folder.
The folder "All expansion packs released after and including Generations" will be put into Generations expansion and any expansion after Generations that I have right?


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Please help about ulti fix Empty Re: Please help about ulti fix

Post by Guest Wed 28 Jan 2015, 19:59

I will help you out ok =^^=
 First you already installed the games. Awesome.
Now to answer your questions.

1. You have to put the files from the BASEGAME Folder first ..then the files from the folder that has supernatural,university,etc. (rest of the other games) l

Lastly, After you start up the game, see the games that blacked out but are there and close it. You then apply the Crack.
Then when you start the game, all your games that you applied should be colorful.

2. The files from the Ultimate Fix folder that you apply to your expansions are the ones that have folders. The one that has a folder with like 10 names on it, should be the last one applied and should go to the base game and not onto the games that are on the folder.

I hope that answered your questions.
If not, just post again and someone will definitely help you.
Have a nice day.


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