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Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED]

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Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED] Empty Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 22 May 2015, 19:01

Whenever I click the setup for TS3 World Adventures, this box pops up. I don't know what it means. Sad I downloaded the torrent with the crack file from games4thewolrld's piratebay page. I must have done something wrong. If it isn't too much of an inconvenience, could someone please walk me through the reason for the error message, how to fix it, etc. so that I can resolve this issue independently if it happens again with the other expansion packs I've downloaded? Thank you! Smile

Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED] Error10


Never mind, guys. I figured it out. Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED] Icon_smile I hope someone comes along and deletes this thread...

Mod edit: glad you figured it out on your own. Feel free to open a new thread anytime again. Have fun ! Smile  Problem solved, topic closed.

- Carlos


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Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what this means? :) [SOLVED]

Post by Sim Architect Mon 08 Jun 2015, 22:16

Problem solved, topic closed (by Carlos above, just posting this to remove the post from the pending queue).

Have fun!!!

Tea 4 Tea 4 Tea 4
Sim Architect
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