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Startup error - video didn't help...

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Startup error - video didn't help... Empty Startup error - video didn't help...

Post by Guest Sat 30 May 2015, 18:14

Hi there!

I downloaded the complete TS3 pack just a weeks time ago, and today I sat down to finally install the entire bunch..

I followed your steps, cleared out any previous versions of failed installs and such I had lying around on my pc, and began as 
the guide explained. I installed the base game and updated with the "TS3_1.67.2.0240xx_update.exe"-file.. 

Then, I went forth by installing one expansions and stuff pack after the other. Ran the setup.exe and typed in the code, one
pack after the other.. I didn't start up the game in between the installs, btw.. - dno if that was a mistake?! (Didn't say I had to..)

Finally, when all the packs had been installed, which all went smoothely.. I wondered which of the now many icon to press to launch
the game - as the actual The Sims base game icon wasn't somehow lying on the desktop as a shortcut.. 
Anyways, I naturally did as directed, opened the "# crack" folder and copied in both the "TS3W.exe" and the "TSLHost.dll" to this location
exactly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin - and naturally chose to copy and replace, which went smooth as well.

Now, I just thought I'd click what ever icon of all the packs to launch the game, and clicked the one I had installed last. 

And bam: 'Error - There was an error during startup. Please see the Log for more details.'

So, I checked the video you link to in the .txt... (I can't post the link as I'm a new member.. ehm.. yeah.)

But in here you tell me to delete those I haven't currently installed... but I just installed all of them?! :s (I checked, all those that were there,
were the ones I had just installed - no others..)

So, you see this is where I get confused, and thus now can't play the game.. - Also, I am wondering why the base game have no 
desktop shortcut icon, but all the expansions do?

I truly hope I haven't missed a step anywhere WhatDidUJustCallMe? and I really hope you will help me fix this, that'd make me super happy!!

Ooh yeah, I'm running Windows 7 btw., 64-bit and my pc most certainly meet the requirements.   

Kind regards


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Startup error - video didn't help... Empty Re: Startup error - video didn't help...

Post by Sim Architect Sun 31 May 2015, 08:04

Hi there! You are supposed to run the latest expansion (if you have them all, it's the 'In the Future" one).

I also made a video teaching how to install the whole thing properly (game and all expansions). You're welcome to watch it below (and you can jump when it starts being repetitive, since I show the install of each and every expansion and stuff pack, but the process you probably already did right).

You're supposed to do some manual updates for a few expansions, and, after, apply the latest "full" update, then the ultimate fix Smile

Please let me know if you need further assistance, and welcome to our Forum!!!

Tea 5 Tea 5

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Startup error - video didn't help... Empty Re: Startup error - video didn't help...

Post by Guest Sun 14 Jun 2015, 01:09

Hi there... I'm quite sad, as it says in the folder of the base game, to begin installation from the 'sims3setup.exe' file and NOT from the autorun.exe -,- I spent hours installing this wrong because of this?

WhatDidUJustCallMe? I hope not!! That'd be quite a major flaw in the installation guide manual... I'll try starting it all over again, this time following the video you linked, and I really hope it will be functional this time.

Thanks for the quick reply though!



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Startup error - video didn't help... Empty Re: Startup error - video didn't help...

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 14 Jun 2015, 02:58

Shaeith wrote:Hi there... I'm quite sad, as it says in the folder of the base game, to begin installation from the 'sims3setup.exe' file and NOT from the autorun.exe -,- I spent hours installing this wrong because of this?

It's not a flaw in the installation guide, as it doesn't matter which of the 2 files you use for installing the stuff. Smile  Yes, feel free to watch the video guide above. 

One more thing: did you originally install the base game to a different partition/hard-drive than C: ? And then moved the folders manually back to C: ?
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