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The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED]

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The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED] Empty The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 17 Jun 2015, 00:51

So basically, I had installed the sims 3 and all of the expansion packs like two days ago. It was working fine the first day then today I had installed cc, and it crashed when I tried to start the game up. I was googling solutions and etc. Then I tried taking my mods and cc out and I tried the game out again and it started fine. No crashing or anything. I just want to know if there is anything I could do because I love cc. Is it maybe a piece of cc or a mod that is causing the game to crash or is it just because I can't have cc at all without the game crashing? Why God. No


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The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED] Empty Re: The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED]

Post by Sim Architect Wed 17 Jun 2015, 08:20

Yes, there are a few things you can do! First, try using CC Magic (you can Google for it), it may help you a bit, and show if you have any conflicting mods as well.

Second, I guess you can try removing (or installing) the mods in groups, so you can find the "bad one(s)" and remove them.

Please, let's know hot things turned out!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
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The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED] Empty Re: The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 18 Jun 2015, 21:41

Thank you for your help! I had taken all mods out and tried them in groups and I found out it was Nraas Master Controller's Story Progression Mod. I've ditched it and now my game works fine. Thank you again.

Mod edit: problem solved, topic closed. Have fun !

- Carlos


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The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED] Empty Re: The sims 3 crashing with cc/mods. [SOLVED]

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