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Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up

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Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up Empty Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jun 2015, 02:36

Hey guys

I'm totally new to this so I hope I don't get on anybody's nerves. For the past two days or so, I have been having a lot of problems downloading The Sims 3 Generations. Bear in mind I have no idea what I'm doing :-/)

Things were looking up this morning when I thought I was almost there, I updated the newest update then once that was done I started the launcher again, it said version and tells me:
"There was an error during start-up. Please see the log for more details."
(But there is no log)

I have purchased the base game retail, and bought three expansions on-sale at the Origin site (Master Suite Stuff, Outdoor Living, High-End Loft). I had no problems downloading Aurora Skies, Hidden Springs and Seasons, they are all working fine.

But the problems all began with Generations!

I have seen other posts related to this problem and followed the instructions they were given without success, and have downloaded the Ultimate Fix and Manual Patch from this site which fixed some other problems I had. Do I have to uninstall my base game and expansions and re-install? I'd really like that to be my last option if possible..


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Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up Empty Re: Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jun 2015, 07:14

I re-downloaded and applied the Manual Patch, downloaded Generations, then re-downloaded the crack and applied it. I dragged and dropped the .exe and .dll files into my Origin Games/The Sims 3/Game/Bin and got the dialog box, checked 'Copy & Replace'

I've realised that I did not restart my computer during this process, could that be my mistake and should I restart again?


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Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up Empty Re: Continuous Problems - There was an error during start-up

Post by Admin Sat 20 Jun 2015, 10:10

Hello there,

I see you are online now. If you have time, please join the Forum's Chatbox on the homepage.


Looks like you went offline.
This should fix your issue: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t6052-error-during-startup-see-log-for-more-details-fix
Watch the video very carefully. Good luck and please let us know the result!
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