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Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED]

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Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED] Empty Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 19 Aug 2015, 12:49

Carlos Said that the ultimate fix is currently temporary so it's not official yet. I don't want a "Temporary" fix because It's not really official yet. Plus, Admin (or maybe let's say it's not the G4TW's) didn't create the crack. (Sorry if I'm Mistaken)

But here is my Questions:
1.) Is the Temporary Fix from reloaded? What I mean is, is that Temporary fix taken from Reloaded and not the crack of The G4TW Version? And I don't wanna waste my time downloading it that is similar to what I downloaded from The Website. 
2.) Do I really need to apply the Temporary Fix if I have the update from Reloaded's (Fan or Unofficial whatever..) Website? It's temporary so maybe I need to stick with Reloaded's crack until the "OFFICIAL" Fix will be released. 

Just wanna say that I don't want a "Temporary" Fix (If it's not needed to download then I will stick with Reloaded's crack in the meantime) But if it is needed to download then of course I'll download it even if it's Temporary. But if it's similar to Reloaded's crack (referring to the question #1) Then Thank God. I'll wait for the "Official" Fix to be released but still using the update I downloaded from Reloaded And uninstall whenever the official fix will be released.

Thank you and Good luck! 


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Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 19 Aug 2015, 13:51

//MOVED to Chit-chat section

Hi there, @Keyenpeydee! Very Happy

It seems there's a little misunderstanding. The 'temporary' fix is in name only, while we wait for Admin to pack it in a single RAR and upload it to multiple sites, maybe even make it a torrent. But it's very unlikely that there's any practical difference between the 'temporary' and 'official' Ultimate Fix. Both should work the same.

Yes, the temporary fix is from RELOADED. And so will be the 'official' Ultimate Fix. We have always used RELOADED's crack in our version, and a 'G4TW crack' for The Sims 4 doesn't exist. All the Ultimate Fixes that we have ever taken out for TS4 have been using RLD's crack. What we make sure to do is that it works properly, add instructions and then provide support for it.

So no, you don't need the Ultimate Fix if you already have the update from RELOADED. Not the temporary nor the 'official' Ultimate Fix. You can just keep using what you have right now.

So don't worry, you don't need to replace what you have right now with the temporary Fix. And there's no need to download the 'official' one after it's released either. But keep in mind that should you have any problems in the future re-downloading it may be necessary to give solution to those issues.

Please, let us know if you have any more questions. I tip my fedora.

Mod edit: moved to the right section.

- Carlos


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Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 19 Aug 2015, 13:56

Question Answered. Thank you SeoY!


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Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 19 Aug 2015, 17:05

Keyenpeydee wrote:Question Answered. Thank you SeoY!

You're very welcome. Very Happy

As your question is answered, I'll close this topic for now. If you have any more questions, just let us know. Have fun!


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Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Question about Reloaded and The Ultimate Fix. [SOLVED]

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