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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Guest Mon 26 Oct 2015, 04:49

I did not see a forum to enter for this specific issue, but here goes. I downloaded all the Sims 3 from your downloads site and followed all instructions to download all expansions. I read thoroughly and installed the ultimate fix.

When I installed the base game first, I played it to test it out and it loaded up and played the world just fine with no crashes, then I proceeded to install all the expansions then ended it with the ultimate fix. I was confused also on which exe to use to start the game as I have 6 of them. S3 launcher, Sims 3 launcher, Sims3 launcherW, TS3, TSEP01, and TS3W. I tried most of them and the game starts up just fine and loads the screen and brings up the main screen to pick a world, but then when entering a world the game either just flat out shuts my whole computer down or tries to load the world for a few seconds then also crashes my whole computer down.

The Sims 3 doesn't show a crash file as it shuts off the computer and never logs one. My graphics card seems okay and it did play the base game fine with no lag. I have to mention also that I had this game with expansions installed on this computer last year but I had to dump my hard drive and just now got around to reinstall it again. I never had a problem when I played it last year on my computer with the same specs. I have checked REGEDIT and did all that before installing to make sure all was good.

So I don't understand the crashing problem.

I have Windows 7 64-bit

***Update: I downloaded the Sims 3 Crash Analyzer and was able to get this to come up explaining the crash...

[WARNING WRONG EXE] 10/25/2015 10:20:14 PM
        Message: Incorrect Executable - Expecting: ts3w.exe, Got: TS3EP01.exe.       Now I'm not sure how to fix this...Any help is appreciated.


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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Re: Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Guest Mon 26 Oct 2015, 13:30

It seems there's a mis-step somewhere when placing your fix/crack. A step by step of what you did might help the sim helper (who i'm sure will read this thread later on) to help you fix the error.

But for now, let's breakdown the issue. Which EPs have you installed to the game? Or which is the latest/in accordance to what you did install? If you install Into The Future, then try running the Into The Future shortcut on the desktop. That will open up the Sims3 launcher. If you want to skip the launcher, go to Sims 3/Game/Bin/TSW3.exe and run as administrator. 

If the problem is still there, then it might mean that you have pasted the crack incorrectly.


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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Re: Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Guest Mon 26 Oct 2015, 17:51

I went to the download site here and downloaded every single expansion and then did everything I was told with each install and at the end, I downloaded and installed the ultimate fix. So I have the complete collection. Yes, I was getting the computer shutdown every time I try to play the installed games worlds.

The crash report stated [WARNING WRONG EXE] 10/25/2015 10:20:14 PM
        Message: Incorrect Executable - Expecting: ts3w.exe, Got: TS3EP01.exe.  

Weirdly, I installed a World from TSR and downloaded it through the Launcher and then I turned on the game and entered the World I had just downloaded and it did not crash. It played the world just fine.

So somehow, the game is not letting me play the pre-installed Worlds.


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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Re: Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Guest Tue 27 Oct 2015, 14:26

Is your DEP turn on? I read on an outside site that might help with preventing the crashes. Also assuming you install the game on the original path (C:), is there enough free space left after installing every single expansion? Sometimes the game won't work properly if there's only a couple of GBs left.

Installing Sims 3 - I'm sure you have followed everything correctly and re-checking multiple times. But just to be sure that you did indeed follow the guide in the .pdf as well which is in the Ultimate Fix. The only difference from the installation guide (here) and the one in the .pdf is which crack goes to where. 

Graphics Card -  What card are you using by the way? If there's an manual updater for the card try checking to see if the driver needs an update. Sometimes the system updates doesn't give you the up-to-date drivers.

EXE - Which shortcut or .exe did you use to run the game? As I stated before, since you install everything, click on the Into The Future shortcut to open the launcher. If you don't have any shortcuts then just run from the Game/Bin. I am unsure what you meant by worlds from TSR? I did not see any worlds there to be honest. 

Crash Report - In layman's terms, from what i can read is that the .exe is incorrect? Try running .exe from what I have said above. 

PS: I hope an admin/sim helper helps you soon. >_< Sim Architect seems to be active the last few days tho.


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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Re: Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Guest Tue 27 Oct 2015, 19:03

I don't know. I'm stumped, but weirdly enough the game is playing as I played for several hours last night, just not with the pre-installed Worlds. I do have a 3 terabyte hard drive so that's all good and my graphics card is up to date with an add in for Sims 3 on graphics. When I run the game I use T3W. I brought up the game launcher when I installed some Worlds and furniture, but when playing the game I bypass the launcher. I''ll try again today to try a pre-installed World, but I may not use them anyway in the long run as I found some other really cool Worlds to play, especially one shaped like a Unicorn.


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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Re: Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Guest Wed 28 Oct 2015, 12:42

Why. I'm sorry I'm unable to help. If you have any other problems feel free to open a new topic! Since this isn't really resolve I hope other sim experts will see this and help out.


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Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue Empty Re: Sims 3 game crash-did not know where else to put this issue

Post by Sim Architect Wed 28 Oct 2015, 12:52


Please, rename your "The Sims 3" folder inside your Documents to something else.

Then, download the complete collection and the auxiliary files from the video's description below, and follow the video's instruction on how to set everything properly. It's the best version around and, with all the manual updates and fixes, you can have the base game and all expansions running smoothly (supposedly).

I had some old versions of some expansions in the past that would not work properly (Show time, World Adventures and a couple of others I can't remember now), but the versions that came in the Complete Collection did not have corrupted files, which is great!

After you did everything, try playing again and let us know how everything turned out, so we can help you further or know that you got the game running.

Meanwhile, let's wait the tea (your game) to get ready...

Tea 5 Tea 5

The Sims 3 Complete Collection: https://youtu.be/oTx-Swi2YV0

Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
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