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Deleting files to save space?

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Deleting files to save space? Empty Deleting files to save space?

Post by Guest Wed 11 Nov 2015, 02:56

Hi! I recently downloaded Sims 4 on my laptop but I'm running super low on space. I've installed the base game but I need space for installing the expansion pack. Is it possible for me to delete any of these files and still be able to play properly? Thanks!

Deleting files to save space? D19GLWm

//Mod EDIT: Changed the image from attachment to "in line", so it's easier to see it on your post.

-Sim Architect


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Deleting files to save space? Empty Re: Deleting files to save space?

Post by Sim Architect Wed 11 Nov 2015, 04:32

Hi! Yes, you can delete those files, AFTER you install the game. Just remember you will need to download them again if you need to install the base game again for any reason. Another option, if you have, would be to move these files to another drive (internal or external).

Also, you will need space to download the expansion AND a few more GB to install it, before you can also remove the new downloaded expansions, so keep that in mind, or you will end up with the same issue.

Besides that, you can try CC Cleaner, it's a free software (you can Google for it, it's easy to find, small and quick to run) that allows you to fix your registry AND also has some tools that may help you freeing some space in your main hard drive, if it's necessary (and if you have stuff that can actually be deleted).

I wish you all the luck! Keep us posted!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

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Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Age : 45
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