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Sims 4 unable to start, yes firewall is off.

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Sims 4 unable to start, yes firewall is off. Empty Sims 4 unable to start, yes firewall is off.

Post by Guest Tue 08 Dec 2015, 03:48

(Yes I have installed the Ultimate Fix, I have turned off my firewall, and reinstalled multiple times.)

Maybe it's just the fact that I have McAfee or whatever but, I am able to play sims once after it installs. After that, if I close and try to restart the game, I get this error message: 

''Unable to start:
Cannot start because required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game.''

I have reinstalled several times, with no avail. Does anyone have a solution for this? Or is this a lost cause? 

(Not sure if this helps, but I did not put any CC into the game, so that can't be the issue.)

So I decided to double check my mods folder, and it turns out my cc which I thought I moved out of my EA folder was still in there. I removed all of it and realized the game opened. So it was a piece of CC that was corrupting my game! 


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Sims 4 unable to start, yes firewall is off. Empty Re: Sims 4 unable to start, yes firewall is off.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 08 Dec 2015, 15:14

kylie2989 wrote:(Yes I have installed the Ultimate Fix, I have turned off my firewall, and reinstalled multiple times.)

Maybe it's just the fact that I have McAfee or whatever but, I am able to play sims once after it installs. After that, if I close and try to restart the game, I get this error message: 

''Unable to start:
Cannot start because required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game.''

I have reinstalled several times, with no avail. Does anyone have a solution for this? Or is this a lost cause? 

(Not sure if this helps, but I did not put any CC into the game, so that can't be the issue.)

So I decided to double check my mods folder, and it turns out my cc which I thought I moved out of my EA folder was still in there. I removed all of it and realized the game opened. So it was a piece of CC that was corrupting my game! 

Hello and welcome to the forum,

Thanks for sharing your solution with us. Smile  It aligns with what other users in the past reported too. Feel free to let us know which CC item caused the issue for you, if you like. 

Other than that, there really aren't many explanations for the issue. The only other theoretical alternative would be that if you made a mistake when copy + pasting the pirated updates/fixes, then that error could happen too. But that is rare, and it doesn't seem to apply to you.

Anyhow, have fun for now, and feel free to post back in this thread if you encounter any more issues (I'll leave this topic open for now).  alien

P.S. the whole thing with the firewalls or anti-virus issues only applies to errors that are named either Unable to start: initialization error at startup or Unable to start: Origin must be running. And technically, the error you encountered has a different wording, and is - as far as I recall - unrelated to firewalls or anti-virus programs. Wink
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