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My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!!

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My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!! Empty My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!!

Post by Guest Mon 21 Dec 2015, 09:30

I recently decided to install Sims on my new laptop. I installed all EPs and SPs and all the store content from the games4theworld downloads. This laptop has 16 gb ram and my video card is Nvidia Geforce GTX 960M which is pretty powerful with my other games. I run a 64bit windows 8. My game has minor lags but it's still irritating because of how smoothly other advanced games play on my system. I tried dedicating more ram by editing the Sims3.ini file and giving the game up to 8 gb but it didn't really help. I also tried ramdisk and that didn't help much either. I tried playing around with the nvidia control panel settings but I didn't want to mess anything up so I thought I'd post here.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


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My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!! Empty Re: My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!!

Post by Sim Architect Mon 21 Dec 2015, 12:04

Sorry to hear that! Are you using a hard drive or an SSD? Sorry, my mistake, you already tried a RAM Drive!!!

Also, please try some tips Carlos gave in the topic below...


Keep us posted if you got things better!

Tea 5 Tea 5

Last edited by Sim Architect on Mon 21 Dec 2015, 13:18; edited 1 time in total
Sim Architect
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My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!! Empty Re: My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 21 Dec 2015, 13:13

Sorooshartilo wrote:Hi.
I recently decided to install Sims on my new laptop. I installed all EPs and SPs and all the store content from the games4theworld downloads. This laptop has 16 gb ram and my video card is Nvidia Geforce GTX 960M which is pretty powerful with my other games. I run a 64bit windows 8. My game has minor lags but it's still irritating because of how smoothly other advanced games play on my system. I tried dedicating more ram by editing the Sims3.ini file and giving the game up to 8 gb but it didn't really help. I also tried ramdisk and that didn't help much either. I tried playing around with the nvidia control panel settings but I didn't want to mess anything up so I thought I'd post here.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


In addition, if you haven't done so yet, please activate vertical synchronization in your NVIDIA Control Panel. See this topic for further details:

I can't tell if that is directly linked to in-game lag, but it's still a good idea to turn on V-Sync in The Sims 3.

Good luck !
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My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!! Empty Re: My game lags with 16 gb ram and a good nvidia card!!!

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