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Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial

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Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial Empty Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial

Post by Guest Wed 02 Dec 2015, 21:35

So I tried to follow the tutorial but I'm afraid I have some questions. 

1. If I want to install the Sims 4 from scratch, exactly how many torrents do I need to download? I guessed at the two from the G4TW downloads page plus the top one from the ultimate fix page. Do I need to separately download and install expansion pack torrents every time they are made available?

2. I got the base game working successfully when following but once I quit out of it I couldn't tell how to relaunch it again later and the tutorial didn't say. How do I do this?

3. Two files were saved onto my desktop when I ran the base game, TheSims4.lnk and TheSims4.desktop. What are these and can they be deleted or tidied somewhere else? 

4. The tutorial talks about adding the DLCs and addons, and says if you can't find a setup.exe (I couldn't) in your downloaded files, you should copy and paste the content from those folders into the base game folders. When I do this, I sometimes get asked if I want to replace the files, and sometimes if I want to merge them. I said no to replace but yes to merge but I have no idea if that's really right. 

5. I now have no idea how to get back to the game. When I click on the 'wineskin' I made with the earlier install, it runs for a few seconds then closes, and nothing happens. 

Would appreciate some clarification from anyone willing. Thank you....



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Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial Empty Re: Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial

Post by Sim Architect Wed 16 Dec 2015, 17:01

Hi! You only need two torrents to install everything (including Get Together), and you can follow the instructions and use the links at my video's description below (considering you are running on a Windows environment, being it on a PC or a PC Emulator inside your Mac).

Keep us posted on your advances!

Tea 5 Tea 5

How to Install The Sims 4 with Get Together, Spooky Day and All Previous DLC
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
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Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial Empty Re: Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial

Post by Guest Wed 16 Dec 2015, 20:06

I appreciate you posting this tutorial but I was trying to run it through Wineskin on my Mac and that's what I need help with.


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Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial Empty Re: Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial

Post by Sim Architect Wed 16 Dec 2015, 20:37

Sorry, I don't know anything about macs...

Do you think you can use the advice someone gave at the topic below, for Sims 3 (of course, doing something similar for Sims 4, which is your case)?

Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


Posts : 2137
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Join date : 2012-03-10
Age : 45
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Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial Empty Re: Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial

Post by Guest Mon 28 Dec 2015, 21:30

Hi again
I gave up trying to get this to work on my Mac and attempted to follow your tutorial. thanks for explaining the process so clearly.
unfortunately once I'd gone through all the steps I got the following error:
Sims on a mac wineskin tutorial 2e4izrb
are you able to help?
thank you in advance.


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