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Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together?

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Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together? Empty Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together?

Post by Guest Wed 30 Dec 2015, 02:40

So I bought the Sims 4 base game on origin the other day because it was like pennies and I figured like with the sims 3 I could use some pirated eps, but when i downloaded them and installed them and what not, I couldn't get them to work?

I have origin completely off, and I even tried with the internet off but as soon as I go to play the game, origin starts up and obviously see I'm trying to cheat the system and doesnt show the eps in game?



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Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together? Empty Re: Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 31 Dec 2015, 01:50

LiliKitten wrote:So I bought the Sims 4 base game on origin the other day because it was like pennies and I figured like with the sims 3 I could use some pirated eps, but when i downloaded them and installed them and what not, I couldn't get them to work?

I have origin completely off, and I even tried with the internet off but as soon as I go to play the game, origin starts up and obviously see I'm trying to cheat the system and doesnt show the eps in game?


Hello and welcome to the forum,

You can't compare TS3 and TS4 though. The first thing you should do is this here:

After that...I guess you updated your game to the newest patch version of Origin. Which isn't supported by the current G4TW pirated releases. You will need to uninstall your TS4 game I'm afraid. Then re-boot the computer.

You should then learn how to configure anti-virus exclusions on your system. See this guide for an introduction, or Sim Architect's video tutorial too. 

Now look at the site here:

Download the base game, then Get to Work and finally "Get together". Install the games in that order, too. And once you are finished with that, please apply the hotfix that I decribed here. Then you are hopefully good to go. 

P.S. in case you are wondering, it was not totally useless to buy the basegame on Origin. You can also access the gallery from within that pirated Sims 4, but we will get to that later, if you like. For now, that is enough new information. Good luck ! 

Very Happy
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Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together? Empty Re: Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together?

Post by Guest Sat 02 Jan 2016, 07:18

Carlos wrote:
LiliKitten wrote:So I bought the Sims 4 base game on origin the other day because it was like pennies and I figured like with the sims 3 I could use some pirated eps, but when i downloaded them and installed them and what not, I couldn't get them to work?

I have origin completely off, and I even tried with the internet off but as soon as I go to play the game, origin starts up and obviously see I'm trying to cheat the system and doesnt show the eps in game?


Hello and welcome to the forum,

You can't compare TS3 and TS4 though. The first thing you should do is this here:

After that...I guess you updated your game to the newest patch version of Origin. Which isn't supported by the current G4TW pirated releases. You will need to uninstall your TS4 game I'm afraid. Then re-boot the computer.

You should then learn how to configure anti-virus exclusions on your system. See this guide for an introduction, or Sim Architect's video tutorial too. 

Now look at the site here:

Download the base game, then Get to Work and finally "Get together". Install the games in that order, too. And once you are finished with that, please apply the hotfix that I decribed here. Then you are hopefully good to go. 

P.S. in case you are wondering, it was not totally useless to buy the basegame on Origin. You can also access the gallery from within that pirated Sims 4, but we will get to that later, if you like. For now, that is enough new information. Good luck ! 

Very Happy

can you elaborate on how the gallery works with sims 4 cracked? i thought it didn't work? you said it can be accessed now?


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Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together? Empty Re: Can't use legit base game and pirate eps together?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 05 Jan 2016, 22:16

petaldancing wrote:can you elaborate on how the gallery works with sims 4 cracked? i thought it didn't work? you said it can be accessed now?

Welcome to the forum first of all,

I don't know if you followed the forum earlier (back then when it was still possible to do so - connecting the the gallery). But essentially, it is still the same as before. You log into your Origin account, then start up your pirated (!) Sims 4 game. From the main menu of the game, access the gallery and download whatever you want. Once you are finished, close the pirated Sims 4 game, log out of Origin, and also close this Origin log-in-prompt.

Then you can play on with your Sims 4.

HOWEVER, the difference now is that in order for this to work, the Origin account that you are using to log in MUST have a (legit) Sims 4 basegame registered to it. Without having such a legit basegame on Origin, you cannot even start up the pirated Sims 4. 

P.S. for the future, please make sure to open a new topic for your help request(s) or question(s), since we normally ask people to do so, as it lessens the confusion that can arise if too many different people post in one and the same thread. Smile
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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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