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Script mods showing but not working.

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Script mods showing but not working. Empty Script mods showing but not working.

Post by Guest Wed 13 Jan 2016, 15:49

Hi there, 

I've had a good look around and can't seem to find anything related to my issue, so apologies if I've overlooked it!

No issues whatsoever installing The Sims 4, Get To Work and Get Together - completed just a couple of hours ago.  However, when I place my script mods into the designated folder, they are showing in-game (via the pop-up) but they aren't working.  I figured that it could be that it hasn't been updated to the most recent patch so I went hunting for a mod that had been (Faster Skills).  With this one though, it's not even showing in-game.  So, script mods are showing, custom content isn't and neither are working? 

Knowing myself, this could be something very simple and I've overlooked something!  My main thought is that I didn't download the Ultimate Fix as I thought everything was updated through Get Together when I downloaded it last night.  

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!  Can't touch banana


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Script mods showing but not working. Empty Re: Script mods showing but not working.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 14 Jan 2016, 01:22

nicohna wrote:Hi there, 

I've had a good look around and can't seem to find anything related to my issue, so apologies if I've overlooked it!

No issues whatsoever installing The Sims 4, Get To Work and Get Together - completed just a couple of hours ago.  However, when I place my script mods into the designated folder, they are showing in-game (via the pop-up) but they aren't working.  I figured that it could be that it hasn't been updated to the most recent patch so I went hunting for a mod that had been (Faster Skills).  With this one though, it's not even showing in-game.  So, script mods are showing, custom content isn't and neither are working? 

Knowing myself, this could be something very simple and I've overlooked something!  My main thought is that I didn't download the Ultimate Fix as I thought everything was updated through Get Together when I downloaded it last night.  

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!  Can't touch banana

Hello and welcome to the forum @nicohna,

The thing with the "recent patch version" is the key here. Please note that if you downloaded and installed Games4theworld's items, then your game version will be This is NOT the latest available version from Origin/EA.

The pirated Sims 4 tends to be lagging behind the official version, and modders tend to cater to people with the latest versions of the game. Typically people who bought The Sims 4.

You must find versions of mods that specifically work on NOT a later version. That is all I can offer now. Good luck ! Smile

Edit: a small tip maybe. Follow the sources from where you download your mods. Always make sure to "pre-emptively" download new versions of mods, and keep them in a folder. If you want, make subfolders with specific patch version numbers. Then when needed, look at the folder and use one of these (older) mods.
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Script mods showing but not working. Empty Re: Script mods showing but not working.

Post by Guest Thu 14 Jan 2016, 18:25

Thank you so much for the reply, Carlos!

I think that's exactly what it is! Whilst I don't NEED the mods, I still like to have the option Wink

It seems that all the mods have been updated so will have a hunt around for the version you've given.  

Thanks again! Smile


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Script mods showing but not working. Empty Re: Script mods showing but not working.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 15 Jan 2016, 20:07

nicohna wrote:Thank you so much for the reply, Carlos!

I think that's exactly what it is! Whilst I don't NEED the mods, I still like to have the option Wink

It seems that all the mods have been updated so will have a hunt around for the version you've given.  

Thanks again! Smile

Yes, exactly that. Very Happy  With the new stuffpack "Move Hangout Stuff" being released on Origin, it might be possible that a pirated release might also follow (soon). And then the basegame will again be "newer". I myself don't use that many mods, due to problems like these, but then I guess it's also a matter of taste/preference.

Feel free to keep us posted here if you like, I will keep the topic open for now. Smile
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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