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Honestly, another music problem =.=

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Honestly, another music problem =.= Empty Honestly, another music problem =.=

Post by Guest Tue 19 Jan 2016, 18:44

Im pretty sure @Carlos is getting real tired of me coming back every 2 months saying i have a music problem,
but this one is more.... Recent.

Once again i had to switch laptops.
I got TS4, GTW, GT, and all that fancy stuff.
I installed everything right.. the game works exactly like it should all the way up to get together.
Its installed right, i know for sure. 

But ever since i updated to get together, Custom Music doesnt work. no matter what.
It doesnt even say "UUUU by UUU"
it literally wont show up.
All my songs are between 128 kps and 172 kps, which is under 320.
They are all mp3 files that work just fine in a music player. 

Ive put them in the custom music folder correctly, too.
Under even 6 different channels to see if any worked.
Even in the folder itself, too.

The game. Will not. Read them.
i read a post where someone said 
"Rename your TS4 Documents folder to something else, start the game, and copy all your files into the new folder."

yeah, i did that.
didnt work.

"Delete your documents folder entirely and then try again."

Didnt work.

Honestly, i dont even have the mood to say 
"alright im getting tired of this music error happening everytime i want to use it."

I just DONT know WHAT to do.  

so yeah, all the methods ive been told wont work.
anyone got any other ideas?


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Honestly, another music problem =.= Empty Re: Honestly, another music problem =.=

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 22 Jan 2016, 23:16

Sorry for the late-ish reply @WulfyRoxas,

I did not get to play much TS4 as of lately. I just now fired it up again briefly, to see what could be going on. 

Honestly, another music problem =.= Screenshot23e5

I still have those 3 Madonna-songs, which I also used in the guide that I wrote for G4TW. Playing them from within the menu still seems to work for me.

I also played them from within the radio - and they also worked.

Since a few other people experienced the same trouble, I thought that - maybe -  EA/Maxis changed something about their custom music system, but then I figured that changing such an elemental feature was rather unlikely. At the moment, I can only suggest to try clearing the cache files, as I mentioned in another post earlier (here).

Have you also tried putting in new .mp3 files to see if the same happens to them too ?

P.S. and as stupid as it may sound, did you also skip or disable those EA-songs that are in the channels already ? Sometimes you need to do that, to "get to hear" the songs that you put in.
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