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Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet?

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Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet? Empty Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet?

Post by Guest Wed 17 Feb 2016, 12:35

I remember about a year and a half ago, I tried playing the Sims 3 again with all expansions. However, the game was so incredibly... laggy I guess would be the word, that it made the game completely unplayable.


This video is the best example of what I'm referring to. And, before you ask, I have tried the fix the video shows. It didn't help at all with the problem and even if it did, it's not exactly viable to have to do it as much as I would have to as I detail the issue. Notice how at 1:18, the Sim freezes in place, but the lights still move. The problem makes all Sims freeze and time stop, but ambient things such as the lights and water movements are still in effect. The worst part is that when it happens, the effect can last upwards of five minutes, averaging around 2-3, and then about 10 seconds after the game unfreezes like this it happens again and just repeats. This was most obvious when playing on the Island Resort map, but all maps I've played have the same issue.

I tried downloading a mod to help regulate all the Sims in my town, as I've read on a couple sources that this is the problem, but even with the mod installed I still ran into the problem constantly, around once every minute, which is a big improvement but not enough to where it's anywhere near playable. Am I not configuring the mod correctly? Are there other mods to download in conjunction with the previous mod? Does anyone have any hint of a fix for me to try? I'd really enjoy to reinstall the Sims 3, as it is one of my favorites in the entire series.


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Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet? Empty Re: Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 18 Feb 2016, 18:26


We have a post here that lists all the possible causes and fixes we know about.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet? Empty Re: Sims 3 stuttering... Any fixes that work yet?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 18 Feb 2016, 19:12

Hello @Genemaiden,

In addition, I would also make sure to enable or force VSync permanently on, in your graphics card control panel (unfortunately, there is no such option in the menu of TS3). See this guide here for an introduction:

Good luck !
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