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Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED]

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Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED] Empty Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 20 Oct 2011, 09:04

Hi, I've been trying to patch and install all the expansion packs with no luck till I came upon the Ultimate Fix. I can install everything until Town Life and am trying to update via launcher.

The first time I did it, the patch was downloaded and then nothing happened. The launcher just popped out another window saying there's another software update which is exactly the same as the first. O.o

I tried again and this time, the problem is it won't update because it says it's the wrong region code. My base game and WA has region code 2 and the rest is 1. Do I need to change it to be all the same?

Thank you for any help. It really is very frustrating. ='(


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Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED]

Post by Narong30 Thu 20 Oct 2011, 09:17

Piggypox wrote:Hi, I've been trying to patch and install all the expansion packs with no luck till I came upon the Ultimate Fix. I can install everything until Town Life and am trying to update via launcher.

The first time I did it, the patch was downloaded and then nothing happened. The launcher just popped out another window saying there's another software update which is exactly the same as the first. O.o

I tried again and this time, the problem is it won't update because it says it's the wrong region code. My base game and WA has region code 2 and the rest is 1. Do I need to change it to be all the same?

Thank you for any help. It really is very frustrating. ='(

I've good news for you. You can always update MANUALLY if you've problem update it using launcher Smile

Good Luck and cheer up Smile
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Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 23 Oct 2011, 05:25

I finally got to try it out and it works! ^^ Thank you!

MOD EDIT: Problem solved, topic closed.


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Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot Update due to Wrong Region Code [SOLVED]

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