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I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff.

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I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff. Empty I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff.

Post by Guest Sat 11 Jun 2016, 20:43

Hello! Smile
I found your site yesterday because I was looking for a fix (Sims Medieval) and what can I say? Holy **** - its amazing!
I love your site! Thank you so much for the Games!  Dedicated to Carlos

So but not everything works... I cant play Anno 2070...
And now I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff. I already have most of the expension packs, so I was thinking I could install the 3 or 4 packs which I'm missing...
The problem is: whenever I start the installation, I get a message to insert a Disc.
I cant found anything about this Problem - Do you have a solution for my little problem? 

Oh and yeah... I have Windows 10  Yess, aye lieeke!

I'm sorry for my english, I hope you will understand me.  sunny 

Thank you! 

Greetings Lornaria.


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I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff. Empty Re: I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 21 Jun 2016, 19:26

Lornaria wrote:Hello! Smile
I found your site yesterday because I was looking for a fix (Sims Medieval) and what can I say? Holy **** - its amazing!
I love your site! Thank you so much for the Games!  Dedicated to Carlos

So but not everything works... I cant play Anno 2070...
And now I cant install the Sims 2 Open for Buisness and University packs also Family Fun Stuff. I already have most of the expension packs, so I was thinking I could install the 3 or 4 packs which I'm missing...
The problem is: whenever I start the installation, I get a message to insert a Disc.
I cant found anything about this Problem - Do you have a solution for my little problem? 

Oh and yeah... I have Windows 10  Yess, aye lieeke!

I'm sorry for my english, I hope you will understand me.  sunny 

Thank you! 

Greetings Lornaria.


Welcome to the forum @Lornaria and sorry for the late reply,

For the future it may be better if you opened a new topic straight away instead of posting under someone else's message. Smile  That way, we can provide better individual support, it makes your post more visible (because I overlooked your message here) and in general topics are easier to follow if kept separate between the various users. Accordingly I moved your post to a new topic here.

That said, have you tried the solution mentioned here ?
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