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Sims 4 Will not Uninstall

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Sims 4 Will not Uninstall Empty Sims 4 Will not Uninstall

Post by Guest Mon 01 Aug 2016, 23:32

Im trying to uninstall the game, so I can save some space.  Well...it wont let me uninstall.  Ive tried the regedit, the remove programs and features part.  I keep getting an error that says cannot access setup.msi.
It is directing itself to this : P:\Sim Architect\Installers\5 Games\The Sims\The Sims 4\The Sims 4 - 00 Base Game\   ((but that folder doesnt exist))

Help please.  I will attach photos too.

Im running windows 10.


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Sims 4 Will not Uninstall Empty Re: Sims 4 Will not Uninstall

Post by Guest Tue 02 Aug 2016, 09:56

It looks like you've scrapped the folders before uninstalling the game.
The required file uninstall.exe is no longer accessible.
You'll have to remove the folder Maxis in the register


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Sims 4 Will not Uninstall Empty Re: Sims 4 Will not Uninstall

Post by Guest Tue 02 Aug 2016, 12:57

Hello, and welcome to the forum,  Very Happy 
now you need to remove The Sims 4 manually. 

If The Sims 4 is saved to the default location (the C: drive), then follow the steps below. If you have it saved to another drive, you may need to do a bit of digging to find the Origin Games folder.

In Windows 8/8.1, I would recommend using the Windows key + E to pull up "This PC" and selecting your C: drive from there.

2. Navigate to the Program Files folder.
Open Program Files (x86) instead, if you have a 64-bit system.

3. Select The Sims 4.

4. Right-click and delete The Sims 4 from Program Files folder. 

Now let's head over to the registry. You can access the Registry Editor by holding down the Windows key + R and typing "regedit" (without quotes) into the Run prompt.

Let's start deleting the registry keys.

1. Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder by clicking the triangle next to the folder icon.

2. Expand the SOFTWARE folder.
For 64-bit systems, expand Wow6432Node

3. Expand the Maxis folder.

4. Right-click and delete The Sims 4 folder, if it appears

5. Collapse the Maxis folder.
If you are on a 64-bit system, you should stay inside the Wow6432Node folder for the next steps

6. Expand the Microsoft folder.

7. Expand the Windows folder.

8. Expand the CurrentVersion folder.

9. Expand the Uninstall folder.

10. Delete the following folder if it appears: (in brackets) 48EBEBBF-B9F8-4520-A3CF-89A730721917

Empty your Recycle Bin and restart your PC. If you have a cleaning software that you know and trust, run that before your restart. The Sims 4 is now completely uninstalled from your system and ready for a fresh install!

Hope it helps! Keep us posted.


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Sims 4 Will not Uninstall Empty Re: Sims 4 Will not Uninstall

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 02 Aug 2016, 19:49

Hoshihime wrote:Im trying to uninstall the game, so I can save some space.  Well...it wont let me uninstall.  Ive tried the regedit, the remove programs and features part.  I keep getting an error that says cannot access setup.msi.
It is directing itself to this : P:\Sim Architect\Installers\5 Games\The Sims\The Sims 4\The Sims 4 - 00 Base Game\   ((but that folder doesnt exist))

Help please.  I will attach photos too.

Im running windows 10.

Hello @Hoshihime,

Adding to what has been said, I would have actually moved or backed up the installation folder to a USB-flashdrive or external hard-drive, if possible (and available). That way you wouldn't have had to re-download the game again in case you want to give it another shot in the future. Unless you still have the actual installer files (not sure how Sim Architect's game looks like).

Luckily, The Sims 4 is easily removed. Even if you leave the registry as it is, my experience thus far shows there are no problems, with e.g. any subsequent re-installations of the game. Therefore removing the install folder under C:\Program files (x86) should be sufficient in almost all cases. Smile
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Sims 4 Will not Uninstall Empty Re: Sims 4 Will not Uninstall

Post by Guest Wed 03 Aug 2016, 13:17

@simmer_tony   Thank you so much!  It worked from what I can see.

@The_gh0stm4n  Thank you so much for that tip.  But sadly I only have a 1gb usb drive free.  I am needing to cut down space for backups on my desktop that is being redone.


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