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Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure

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Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure Empty Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure

Post by Guest Mon 01 May 2017, 15:06


I downloaded Sims 3 and I followed all steps in 'must read how to install the sims 3 correctly'... My first problem was that after I finished everything, when I open the game I couldn't see any town in the start screen. Then I read other same topics here and I could make it right, now I can start the game and I can see start screen well but it says 'Disc Authorization Failure'... Then I read other same topics again and I did a few things but then 'no town' problem comes back. I don't know what to do... Please help.  Why God.


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Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure Empty Re: Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure

Post by Guest Mon 01 May 2017, 16:56

Yes, I realize that it sounds rude to say but unfortunately the G4TW download for the Sims 3 is outdated and often leads to questions.
Problem is that deletion of an existing torrent from the internet is (almost) impossible.

The torrent-download is a massive 27 GB and requires installation and installationcodes for each and every of the 21 expansions/stuff packs.
At present we cannot release a new torrent for the sims 3. Torrent-sites are under pressure by the authorities and forced to close (like our beloved Kickass).

As an alternative we can now offer a much smaller 1-click-all-in-one download for the Sims 3 (just under 14 GB) via STACK or MEGA.
With 1 click on Setup all these 21 expansions/stuff packs will be installed, no patches, no cracks, no installationcodes.
Mind you, this download is not made by ourselves but is fully tested and absolutely free of virusses/malware.

In my view Mega is the future as it gives you the opportunity to import the download into your own Cloud within a second and then via the Mega downloader you can download it, anonymously, to your PC.
In many countries the authorities are monitoring torrent-downloads which can lead to heavy fines for downloaders.
Should you want to know a bit more about Mega and how to use it as a kind of a torrent, read THIS

Also, as downloads become larger and larger, I tend to switch from Winrar with the time-consuming extractions, to Poweriso where mounting is done in seconds and no extra diskspace is required.
At present with Winrar you need space for the download + space for the extracted download. With Poweriso you'll only need the download, no extraction required.
All about Poweriso can be read HERE


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Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure Empty Re: Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure

Post by Guest Mon 01 May 2017, 17:13

Thank you! I've been trying for two days so it's okay for me to download another one if it works! So, I'll try right now, I hope there won't be any problem again. :'( Thank you!


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Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure Empty Re: Sims 3 Disc Authorization Failure

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Mon 01 May 2017, 20:32

As an afterthought: You probably forgot to place the crack again after you followed those steps to fix your initial problem.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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