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Delete Sims Store items afterwards.

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Delete Sims Store items afterwards. Empty Delete Sims Store items afterwards.

Post by Guest Thu 08 Jun 2017, 15:27

I just downloaded the complete store set. Looking through the files, I see that most of the store stuff are merged with each other. I was wondering if it's possible to install it all and then somehow remove the stuff I don't want? Or do I have to download everything separately?

Last edited by The_gh0stm4n on Thu 08 Jun 2017, 23:06; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : spelling etc)


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Delete Sims Store items afterwards. Empty Re: Delete Sims Store items afterwards.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 08 Jun 2017, 23:06

plady wrote:Hello!
I just downloaded the complete store set. Looking through the files, I see that most of the store stuff are merged with each other. I was wondering if it's possible to install it all and then somehow remove the stuff I don't want? Or do I have to download everything separately?

Hello and welcome to the Forum,

The (main) point of the torrent was indeed, that it is to be used in its entirety (a.k.a. by people who want the complete store pack anyhow). In order to remove individual items I believe you would have to fiddle around with third-party tools like sims3pe, but I am very rusty with it and I don't think I could offer more assistance along those lines. It may not even be worth the hassle.

Other than that, we have some individual .sims3pack files here:

But the site is not finished, and in the long run we will migrate these items over to another site.
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