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Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 21 Jan 2012, 17:20

Hi Very Happy

I'm not really sure where to post this thread so forgive me if this is a wrong place Embarassed .
I've looked around on this site and the downloading site to found a way
to get the Store items from the official Sims 3 site, maybe I'm dumb,
but can't figure out what to do. And is there no way to be a member in
there, because I also want the items other players have shared. I now I
can download CC from many sites, but there is something I want from The
Sims 3 site from others players and no other places have it. Shocked

And, a little thing more... Now that my games work, I'm building houses,
but it seems like many thing is missing from the base game. Normal
things like a white door and a normal window. There's stuff from the
other expansion, but I can see something is missing. Oh well, it's not
so important now that I've CC, but still...


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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sat 21 Jan 2012, 17:52


Good news for you! We provide all (monthly) updated Store Updates and other downloadable stuff for The Sims 3 here (Free, of course): http://games4theworld.org/sims3store.html

Also, you can install anything from the The Sims 3 Exchange without registring an account, following these instructions: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t2014-how-to-download-things-from-sims-3-the-exchange-no-registration-needed

I don't know what is causing the missing content, but if it's not a big deal, I recommend just leaving it like that.
Please let me know if I can provide any more assistance and good luck!
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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 21 Jan 2012, 17:58

Thank you very much!

When I'm trying to download things from Mediafire, it says I have to upgrade to Mediapro. Is that true?

I will try the other thing link you gave me so I can get things from exchange in a little moment


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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sat 21 Jan 2012, 18:07

Ugyldigtbrugernavn wrote:Thank you very much!

When I'm trying to download things from Mediafire, it says I have to upgrade to Mediapro. Is that true?

I will try the other thing link you gave me so I can get things from exchange in a little moment

No, downloading from MediaFire is totally free. You only need a MediaPro account if you want to download the whole folder at once. If you click on a .sims3pack file you like, it'll only download that one.
If you download "set" files, you'll have everything from that specific month. (So no need to download one by one)
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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 21 Jan 2012, 18:09

I did not click on everything, I took only a set, but it said I needed to upgrade :s


I did it wrong, now I can! Thank you so much.


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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sat 21 Jan 2012, 18:21


Great! Have fun downloading and using the extra stuff and please don't hesitate to open a new topic if you have any more problems.
For now, topic closed. Wink
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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Store items and other things. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Store items and other things. [SOLVED]

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