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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 02 Feb 2012, 00:08

Hello there. So. Here's my little story.

I just got Sims 3 for Christmas, I got pets along with it. My friend has been bugging me to help her learn how to install cracked EPs. I finally gave in and told her to download all the EPs with me, so we could go along with it in order together and by the time she needs the EP I already have, she'll know what she's doing and won't need me. Naturally she completely disreguarded my advice and went directly for Pets rather than World Adventures.(I, however, downloaded and installed World Adventures and it works perfectly so far. Yay!)

And of course she can't get it to work. Apparently it loads up the game, she selects her household, and when loading the household the game just disappears and closes completely. Now she's being rather childish and rage-quitty, refusing to simply go through the installation guide again. I linked her to the Ultimate Fix, which she refuses to do because it makes her install another EP.(I don't blame her for that one, it takes like 5 hours to download one EP. x_x) Dunno what her beef is really, since I made her make a backup of her game before we went changing anything. But what I want to know is if anyone knows what's most likely causing her issue. Did she obviously miss a step in the installation guide? Is it a common issue?


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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 02 Feb 2012, 00:11

If she has the base game and Pets, she doesn't really need another EP, just the latest fix will do.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 02 Feb 2012, 00:16

*Facepalm*Yeah, I just got around to watching the video so I'd be prepped to help her when she gets over her ragequit and saw that it works with Pets. Really shouldn't have just taken her word for it that she had to have Generations or Town life.


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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 02 Feb 2012, 00:17

I'll leave this topic open in case you need any further help, and please let us know the result.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 02 Feb 2012, 05:49

Thanks for leaving the post open, I actually do have another question. How important is it to download the Stuff Packs in any particular order? I downloaded all the expansion packs and don't have all of the packs downloaded yet. Will I be able to install the expansion packs and then install the stuff packs once they finish downloading?


More importantly, is there a way to install Late Night without uninstalling everything? And why isn't it mentioned in prior installation guides that they would have to be uninstalled if the user wanted to get Late Night as well? x-x

I'm currently trying to skip the whole uninstall everything like the How to install The Sims correctly says, but when I run the exe to install Late Night I get an error message. I assume this is because I used the hack files on the previous EPs. So I'm guessing I need the non-cracked files but I'm unsure how to get back to that point.


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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 02 Feb 2012, 07:36

I think that was before patch 1.26-1.29 with unique EXE for all!

I installed deluxe extenssion after Pets without problem..

of course i suggest you to restore original exe (in case of chek)

and then apply back the "fix"


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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 02 Feb 2012, 09:09

We wouldn't have known prior to Late Night's release that it would require a complete reinstall of everything;). But that was before, you don't have to do that anymore. As you've noticed, all the #Installation Guide's from EP&SP released before Generations have become obsolete since they changed where the .exe is located.
If you restore all original exe like Magi Touch says, you should be able to install Late Night. They can be found in the fix, the files found in the corresponding folder are original exe's.
There's no particular order in which everything has to be installed, as you have seen in the "how to install Sims 3 correctly" post.
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to post Smile.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 02 Feb 2012, 17:22

Sweet. I just kind of powered through the installations, it got a bit hinky there for a while(o-o Two of me EPs disappeared, including Pets, which is one I actually purchased.) but it looks like when I applied the Ultimate Fix it all went right again. Gonna go do the same thing with the stuff packs now.

Something I did want to mention, in case someone else has the same experience, when I went to install Late Night I got an error message saying that one of my file types were incorrect. Apparently if you ignore the message the installation goes on as it should.

There was something else I was going to bring up, but now I can't remember what it was. So, thanks for your help. I dunno when I'll be able to talk my friend into trying to install all the EPs again, so you can kill off this thread if you'd like. Thanks for your help. Very Happy


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Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Pets crashing issue. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 02 Feb 2012, 22:37


Yes, that error sometimes occurs. It's nothing to worry about though.
Glad it's working now.
Have fun playing and please don't hesitate to let us know if you need any more assistance!

Topic closed. Wink
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