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[Discover University] Moving out of dorms bug wasn't fixed by patch

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[Discover University] Moving out of dorms bug wasn't fixed by patch Empty [Discover University] Moving out of dorms bug wasn't fixed by patch

Post by Guest Tue 11 Feb 2020, 00:49

Hi, does anyone else experience this issue while trying to move out of dorms? It happened to me first at the end of my sim's first term. I had to schedule a party in a different lot and then move back to another lot, but that meant I had to withdraw and wait two days to re-enrol so I could move my sim to a different university housing location. 
Now it happened again, as soon as the new house loads I get the "moving out" event. When the countdown hits zero I get kicked out of my new lot and moved to the bin. 
Anyone knows how to fix this issue? I really really really don't want to move my sim out yet again and wait for another term to move them to my intended place. And even if I did that, I'd really like to avoid having this same issue in the future.

Please, if anyone has had experience with this bug thing I'd love to read what you have to say. Thanks!


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[Discover University] Moving out of dorms bug wasn't fixed by patch Empty Re: [Discover University] Moving out of dorms bug wasn't fixed by patch

Post by Guest Fri 14 Feb 2020, 02:11

When you say: as soon as the "New house" loads...

Do you mean another dorm? 

Has it only been happening with dorms? More specifically, only when moving between dorms?

I haven't played through living in dorms yet. But I'm having an issue with lot requirements and building on them.

To check that these are unrelated:

In build mode, are the lots complete?


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