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Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix?

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Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix? Empty Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix?

Post by Guest Mon 27 Feb 2012, 18:03

First of all I apologize if this has already been asked, I searched and could not find an answer.

I have several legit and several downloaded expansions/stuff sets for the Sims 3. I want to download and install a few more stuff packs, I just held off because I was eager to actually play. Now I want to go back and add those stuff packs. Can I do so, or will it cause problems since I already installed everything else and used the Ultimate Fix? I already have Sims 3 base (duh) Ambitions, Late Night, World Adventures, High End Loft Stuff, Outdoor Stuff, Generations, Pets and Master Suite Stuff installed if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance and again my apologies if this has already been asked.

Last edited by ClockWorkAngel on Mon 27 Feb 2012, 18:24; edited 1 time in total


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Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix? Empty Re: Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix?

Post by Admin Mon 27 Feb 2012, 18:17


No, just install the extra expansion(s), but do not apply any cracks. If it works, it works. If it didn't work, re-apply the latest version of the Ultimate Fix and it should work fine again.

Good luck and please let us know the result!
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Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix? Empty Re: Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix?

Post by Guest Mon 27 Feb 2012, 18:24

Ok thanks and will do Smile


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Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix? Empty Re: Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix?

Post by Admin Mon 27 Feb 2012, 18:25


We'll be waiting for the final result. Good luck!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder
G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix? Empty Re: Can I install a new stuff pack AFTER using the ultimate fix?

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